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Job / Skill System Request

This one's kind of big and will require a lot of interaction between me and whoever picks it up (not to mention a nice big spot in the credits and probably a spot on the team altogether). I can probably figure this one out myself, but I'm far too busy with schoolwork and Scenario rewrites to work it out.

I'd be most appreciative if someone wants to help with this.

My apologies for bad indents, but I did it to make it easier to read. Once again, if you have questions please just ask in PM or reply here. Also, even though the screenshots are mocked I did measure out some of the windows in pixels. If you want the measurements or a psd file with them, don't be afraid to ask.


P.S. Class names and skill names come from Ragnarok Online. I'm not planning on using it for the game, but the class designer hasn't quite finished with his work and I couldn't use those for the mockup.

Class System
Depending on character's class in the database, character gets certain stats
- Skill Points (SP) for abilities (see: http://www.rmxp.org/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=12)
+/- primitive stats (HP, MP, Str, Def, etc)
These stats only take effect while class is selected​
Classes level up via exp
- All classes start at Lv1
Exp chart and Max level can differ per class
On level up: add an ability and change primitive stats (still a temporary mod)
System remembers what level a class is and saves it if they switch to another class
IE: Player is a Lv4 Class1 but changes to Lv1 Class2. Game remembers that he's a Lv4 Class1 and retains all the exp he gained in said class.​
Equipment Types
Each class can equip 2 weapon types (swords, daggers, etc)
Each class can equip 2 armor types (cloth, mail, etc)
Both of which are set in the database, it just needs to be a variable for displaying in Scene_Class​
Class Hierarchy
Each actor has its own base class
Actor starts at class Lv1 with an ability (if this requires calling a script at the start of the game, so be it)
New classes have requirements
1 or more classes at certain levels AND/OR
Progression in the story (Switch)
Ability for Lv1 class is learned if requirements are met.
IE. Lv1 Class2 has Ability1 and requires Lv5 Class1. When player hits Lv5 Class1, gains Ability1 and Ability2 (given at Lv5 Class 1).​
Higher tier classes have more SP (mostly a note for me)​
Scene_Class Idea
http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/3695 ... assfn4.jpg[/img]
Profession: Will be an image or something that contains an image
Help: The background is an image, the foreground reads out of Data\Class_Detail.rxdata and outputs the corresponding line to the highlighted class
Classes: Ordered in a general hierarchy of requirements. Basic is first, then tier 1's. Tier 2's are indented a bit, and so on. Final Tiers aren't indented and come last.
All classes (except final tiers and special cases) are displayed from the start
Classes with unfulfilled requirements are grayed and unselectable, but stats can be viewed
Since special cases will be visable via switch, make all classes dependant on one to display.​
Current Actor: Disregard this, just make the room for it
Equipment Types: Gray if the highlighted class can't use; White if the current class can use
Requirements: Always visible;
Current Lv: Lv0 if requirements are not met, Lv1 if they are met
EXP: Displays exp gained as current class.
NEXT: exp_table[lv+1] - exp (not necessarily RBSS, but this should be self explainable)
Stats: Green if it's higher than the current class' bonus; Red if it's lower, White if it's the same
Hitting confirm on a highlighted class (that's not grayed) changes character to that class.
Should update the actor information accordingly
Unequip everything, unequip skills; Popup message alerting player to this action that goes away on button-press​

Skill System
Very similar to http://www.rmxp.org/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=12
Changes include
Slots availible for all classes is now 8
Slots for most (aka default):

5 Offensive slots
2 Defensive slots
1 Supportive
0 Other​
Slots represented by icons

Instead of "Offensive: Drain", it's "[icon] Drain"​
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/4349 ... uipbg7.jpg[/img]
Icons (Right now it's 3 types, but I'd like it to be easier to edit the script to make more)
IE. Making different Offensive based on weapons. Hunter can use Longbows and Daggers, so they get 3 Longbow slots and 2 Dagger slots. Crossbow skills learned won't be availible.
Offensive can be passive, just mostly helps with attacking (another note for me)
Supportive is usually also offensive, but it powerful and allowing more than 1 slot will be broken (and another)
Current Actor: Same as before
Ability list: Lists all abilities that can replace highlighted slot; Becomes active if player selects that slot.

Currently equipped skills are grayed and unselectable​
Skill points: Displays currently used points and max points availible

Updates after a skill has been set
Does not allow a skill to be equipped if it will exceed max​
Not on screenshot mockup:
- [Remove] option in the Ability List.​
Somebody... anybody?

Update: I'm going to work on the layouts and try my hand in programming the system. I'm not too good with Ruby so I'd still like someone to try or at least point me in the right direction

Thank you for viewing

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