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Japanese and English Text support

I hope it fits here as it pretians to Scripts. If not Lock it, as I have this posted in resource requests as well (with no luck BTW':| )

-_- Can anyone help me out there... I'm looking for the Font that contains Arial English and Katakana. I used to use for an Edited Name Entry script that would allow you to enter a name in a combination of Alphanumeric and Japanese Katakana. The file name is below. I've tried several of the search engines out there including Google, yahoo, MSN, Ask, dogpile and altavista. So If Anyone has this file or know where I can get it again, Please Post here.:thumb:

I would suggest asking someone that has the Japanese Version of windows. However, you should have a font that would work. (MS Mincho, MS Gothic, MS PMincho, MS PGothic). I have a game that I have made for Japanese users, although it is not done, and I use those fonts. Works well, has roman characters, kanji, hiragana, and katakana.

Arial should have it if you enable East Asian Language Support.

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