At first I thought you had an interesting texture going on there, and then I realized that I really need to clean my screen.
Anyway, to follow up on what Tindy and Dung Beetle said, I can almost guarantee that your in-game graphics look nothing like what that dragon looks like. You need to make sure everything, including your title screen, is consistent with whatever you're working with. The font is a graffiti font, and unless you're making some hip-hop based fantasy theme (Samurai Champloo comes to mind), then it needs to go. If that is in fact what you're doing (which I highly doubt, I'm guessing you just picked that font because it looked cool), then your dragon needs to look similar.
Otherwise, spice up the background a bit. A plain black background is just not really that effective with what you're going for visually. Add some textures, maybe a translucent scene of someone fighting a dragon or a town getting burned by one or something.