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heres some fun stuff to read, im looking for a really really good site i was reading that countered every crackpot 2012 prediction with actual facts.
one thing id like to point out that i remember, 2012 is end of the mayan calendar, but a lot of the end world scenarios, really dont have anything to do with the mayan calendar, like the planet-x/nibiru idea is based off of sumerian lore, which has nothing to do with the mayans or their calendar, or the year 2012
fun little quote i found somewhere
"The calender we use today is actually 6 years ahead of actual time. IIRC the Mayan calender uses the stars to predict events, so faults are not possible. Poviding these are valid, we can safely say it is 2015, which means that the 2012 events already would have happened in 2006."
bottom line, 2012 is a money making scheme. businessmen prey on the weak minded as usual. fuck they even made a hollywood movie