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Is the end of the world coming?


Is this the end of the world?

Basically, a very long time ago, (Like, before the egyptians) there was a race called the Mayans. They were really good at astrology. They use the stars to predict a shit load of things, like the seasons and the years and stuff. But more than that , they were able to divine with the stars, and using that, they could tell the future. They predicted the Bible, and all the major religious revolutions, they also predicted the rise of Hitler, and lots of old crap I dont even care about.

The point is, they wrote all of this on their calender, which was like ours, but had a super big wad of months (20) and a bigger one for the "ages". Anyway, we're about to pass the last hand of their clock of ages, (called the long count), and people reckon, that, because the clock ends, the world ends. (Well, the thing goes back to zero, so its abit like the worlds Y2k bug :haha: )

Oh and one small other thing, apparently were entering a new area of space where weird things happen as this clock ends.

Its caused so much speculation its even got a massive wikipedia page.

So basically, do you believe the world will end? If so why?

Do you disbelieve it? If so, why do you think this is not true when everything else the Mayans said came true?

Arguments are encouraged, as long as you keep it clean and no personal attacks (or religious ones)
││█║▌│║▌║ ▌│║▌║ ▌││":26ysy2js said:
Do you disbelieve it? If so, why do you think this is not true when everything else the Mayans said came true?
I don't even really think about it but just for this thread I'll say I don't believe it, why? Simply because there have been many people during the earths lifespan that have had predictions that the world will end, that this that and the other will happen, and to a certain degree these did happen but only due to coincidence which only came due to similarities between the predictions and the actual event. Basically it's all bullshit, all the "world ending" predictions never came true, only due to similarity coincidences did anything else come true.

Think about it, I or you can predict anything and it will basically happen via three ways:

1. You were lucky
2. Purely coincidence
3. Similarities

People tend to take similarities as exact predictions because they want to associate them with them ever so much, the same goes for coincidences. Truth is if you realistically think about predictions (by realistically I mean use your common sense and forget any kind of religious thought as that shit will cloud your judgment even more as it tends to be religious people who believe predictions) you'll notice that they are all bullshit. Trust me, read all the predictions you come across and see all the coincidences and similarities.

True, It does get me wondering though, these guys were the greatest astrologers in history (considering what they had to work with) And the time they had predicted coincides with a commonly accepted (in science circles) event which all the current astronomers are really freaked about cos they don't know what will happen.
You may want to read the critical summary, kid.

* Academic research does not indicate that the Maya attached any apocalyptic significance to the year 2012: the date for the end of their world lay unimaginable aeons of time in the future.
* John Major Jenkins's 'Galactic alignment' theory is based not only on a misleading astronomical claim, but in part on the same false calendrical premise.
* As the Timewave Zero theory has never been published in a peer-reviewed journal and its sources and reasoning are primarily what would be considered numerological rather than mathematical, the theory has failed to gain any scientific credibility or much recognition by professional mathematicians and scientists.
* Professional astronomers ridicule the Nibiru collision theory, which is based on claimed 'channeling' by extraterrestrials.[47][48]
* More academic research is needed into the claimed Hopi prophecy: it does not appear to mention the year 2012.[49]
* The Bible's Book of Revelation, composed some 1900 years ago, did indeed offer a dramatic picture of the end of the world—but it also promised that it would happen 'very soon'.[50] The Bible says nothing about 2012 or any similar date.
* The prophecy of the Tiburtine Sybil, as reproduced in the 16th century, did indeed likewise present a dramatic picture of the apocalypse, but did not date it, least of all to 2012.[51]
* While the quatrains of Nostradamus are clearly intended to be read in a pre-apocalyptic context, they do not specifically mention (or, consequently, date) the end of the world: their Preface states that they are valid until the year 3797.[52]
* The so-called Lost Book of Nostradamus is a version of the anonymous Vaticinia de summis pontificibus — a book of prophetic papal emblems dating from centuries before his time – and does not mention the year 2012.
* The Prophecies of Merlin were a fictional composition by the medieval Geoffrey of Monmouth,[53] amplified in 13th-century Venice, and did not mention the year 2012.[54]
* The original 1641 edition of The Prophecies of Mother Shipton says nothing at all about doomsday or the end of the world or, consequently, any proposed date for either.[55]
* The alarmist claims of imminent doom made by Sony Pictures in their fictional publicity for the forthcoming film 2012 are not supported by reputable independent academic research.

To put it bluntly 2012 is acclaimed as an end date by everyone who never really studied about the Mayans but read stuff about them on the internet. Field academics can't even corroborate such nonsense, what makes you think a bunch of likely unemployed conspiracy theorists finding vague connections and observations on stuff you've never read yourself have any more valid of an answer?

Fact is that fortune telling prophecy and astrology is crap. Your SAT score will have more to do with your destiny than the alignment of the stars ever will. But if you wish to be a doomsday prophecy guru I will give you the trick to it, so you too can enjoy having thrallishly obsessed unemployed basement dwellers publish nonsense about the stuff you made up. Its simple. All you have to do is be vague, mysterious, write things that are impossible to corroborate as any single event, and general enough to occur under any circumstance.

Take Nostrodamus' Quatrains, they have no dates! None. So you can just sit back and place his predictions in hindsight anywhere. And they have been. And not only can you place his useless ramblings to any event in time between his contemporary future and the end of time, but he also put in a bunch of no brainers. A war between France and England, yeah who'da thunk after fighting little wars between eachother for the past three hundred years that this would happen again. And of course a war between christendom and the muslim world, another no brainer eventuality that occurred several times. Which of the wars against Islam did Nostro predict? The Ottoman occupation of Greece? Perhaps he was predicting a war against Suleiman the Magnificent, a contemporary who was the scourge of Eastern Europe. Or really it can be any number of Wars until the end of WWI. Then of course there is the assassination prediction that you could use for Franz Ferdinand, Jack Kennedy, or even Lincoln if you wanted to. All of which would have a seemingly logical line of connections that makes such nonsense seem valid.

So in summation. If you want to be an oracle, its really simple: be as vague as a rorshach blob, don't commit to anything that is empirically confirmable like dates, be general so it can be applied to anything, tell people some stuff they want to hear, and of course pick some no brainers.
Gen0cide_":220qa1vd said:
││█║▌│║▌║ ▌│║▌║ ▌││":220qa1vd said:
Do you disbelieve it? If so, why do you think this is not true when everything else the Mayans said came true?
I don't even really think about it but just for this thread I'll say I don't believe it, why? Simply because there have been many people during the earths lifespan that have had predictions that the world will end, that this that and the other will happen, and to a certain degree these did happen but only due to coincidence which only came due to similarities between the predictions and the actual event. Basically it's all bullshit, all the "world ending" predictions never came true, only due to similarity coincidences did anything else come true.

Think about it, I or you can predict anything and it will basically happen via three ways:

1. You were lucky
2. Purely coincidence
3. Similarities

People tend to take similarities as exact predictions because they want to associate them with them ever so much, the same goes for coincidences. Truth is if you realistically think about predictions (by realistically I mean use your common sense and forget any kind of religious thought as that shit will cloud your judgment even more as it tends to be religious people who believe predictions) you'll notice that they are all bullshit. Trust me, read all the predictions you come across and see all the coincidences and similarities.

True, It does get me wondering though, these guys were the greatest astrologers in history (considering what they had to work with) And the time they had predicted coincides with a commonly accepted (in science circles) event which all the current astronomers are really freaked about cos they don't know what will happen.

Also, what? Please avoid unsourced weasel statements. What I mean is saying stuff like, "all current astronomers believe x" If you're going to say that you better be ready to show a source. Also its tough to make out what you are saying.
Dear Gen0cide_,

Noel Huntley is not a respected scientist. He is a new age ufo conspiracist crackpot. The fourwinds10 is a conspiracy journal that publishes anonymously written articles written by crackpots who believe that 911 was a lie and that the world is controlled by transdimensional reptiles. Neither of them are published in peer reviewed scientific journals. To even pretend they are part of the scientific community is utterly laughable.

So there is a larger breach in the magnetosphere than we've ever seen in our short fifty years of measuring and observing it. I guess the logical and obvious answer is that the aliens, transdimensional beings, and or photon belt will appear, and destroy and or make us ascend to a higher plane of existence. All of which will occur in the year 2012 because the Mayans, Nostrodamus, and or Madame Blavatsky, who never even attached any significance to this year, say so because a bunch of people said they did on the internet. I mean that's only reasonable, right?
Hint: The calendar was made thousands of years ago. The only reason why this End of the World business started is because that date is the point at which the Mayans stopped recording time.

Again: this is thousands of years ago.

In 1990, software developers couldn't even plan ahead for the year 2000 turnover happening in 10 years (hence the Y2K problem).

Why does everyone think that the Mayans would just keep recording time infinitely forever? The guy who made the calendar probably thought, "oh, hrm. 2600 years should be good enough for now." and gave up!
No Its cause they knew!

Although I have to admit my favorite kind of conspiracy is the one that dovetails off of legitimate attempts of explaining things in science.

Take for example a popular sunken continent that's mentioned in many fringe conspiracy driven mythologies, Lemuria. Lemuria was a hypothetical sunken continent that zoologist Philip Schlater theorized must have existed. This was based on observations that there were Lemur's on Madagascar, Pakistan, and parts of Malaysia. This was before the theory of plate tectonics so the only logical explanation was that at some point another land mass must have connected the disparate regions. And of course when plate tectonics gained traction as a more plausible model for earth geo evolution it was tossed the wayside by the scientific community.

However it was grabbed by Madame Blavatsky, the god mother of most modern conspiracy lore. She claimed she had been shown Lemuria by an Atlantean tome and that it's sunken crevices bore the remains of an ancient root race. This was seed for many nonsensical mystic conspiracy theories, most notable are the modern day Transdimensional Lizards of David Icke's new age lore and most nefariously The Nazis own theories about Aryan racial superiority stemmed from their own observations of a racial history and cosmology based on Madame Blavatsky's psuedo-religion, Theosophy. The former nonsense has been largely harmless the latter quite tragic.
Captain Murphy":1k6yc0fv said:
Dear Gen0cide_,

Noel Huntley is not a respected scientist. He is a new age ufo conspiracist crackpot. The fourwinds10 is a conspiracy journal that publishes anonymously written articles written by crackpots who believe that 911 was a lie and that the world is controlled by transdimensional reptiles. Neither of them are published in peer reviewed scientific journals. To even pretend they are part of the scientific community is utterly laughable.

So there is a larger breach in the magnetosphere than we've ever seen in our short fifty years of measuring and observing it. I guess the logical and obvious answer is that the aliens, transdimensional beings, and or photon belt will appear, and destroy and or make us ascend to a higher plane of existence. All of which will occur in the year 2012 because the Mayans, Nostrodamus, and or Madame Blavatsky, who never even attached any significance to this year, say so because a bunch of people said they did on the internet. I mean that's only reasonable, right?

Wow, it looks like the admins have gone to town on this one! lol

I assumed this Noel dude was legit becasue I googled his name and he apparently has a PhD etc etc. (God knows what in though)

As weird as it is that people believe that it will be the end of the world, I still think something will happen then. A quick google brings many results, and there are a lot of historic places around the world that point to the same thing, from the doomsday seed vault to the Georgia guidestones, to the Russian complex in the southern Urals and the underground caverns near Denver....

Or so I've heard anyway.
Much of this is just speculative banter that's been passed around so much, people relay it as fact, when it's really only hearsay.

Lots of people think that pandas are bears because they've heard people say "panda bear" hundreds of times. They're not bears :eek:

Same thing with the "information" regarding the "end of the world" scenario that is "mysteriously found throughout history". No, someone speculated once that something coincidental happened, and through hearsay, it's become a "fact" (when it's not).

I don't doubt that shit will happen on that day, but it will all be caused by ignorant fanatics trying to MAKE things happen, or maybe real-life trolls. :P

no end of the world, though.

btw what the hell does "end of the world" mean?
what, will the planet blow up?
sucked into a singularity?
will there be a sudden nerve gas that kills all advanced life?
sun explodes and we fry?
sun dies out and we freeze?
a meteor that causes a cataclysm so grand it destroys all life?
a magical jesus character poofing everyone and everything suddenly to heaven?

That's all that would actually "end" the "world".
btw what the hell does "end of the world" mean?

Gozer the traveller returns in one the pre-chosen forms of the destructor.

During the rectification of the Vuldronaii the Traveller came as a very large and moving Torb. Then of course in the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants they chose a new form for him, that of a Sloar. Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day I can tell you.

This time he'll return as a 100 ft tall and moving marshmallow man. It will be a reckoning! A reckoning!
Kneel before your Marshmallow god!

It will be the end of the world.

People will all believe it so sell their belongings on eBay to make some quick cash to do what they've always dreamed of.

As a result eBay will crash.

This will force people to search for alternatives via Google.

Google will overload, and being the biggest server farm will explode and trigger the eruption of the supervolcano under that place. Which will explode and orgasm fire all over your face.


Awesome Bro

Commodore Whynot":1kdr8fvb said:
It will be the end of the world.

People will all believe it so sell their belongings on eBay to make some quick cash to do what they've always dreamed of.

As a result eBay will crash.

This will force people to search for alternatives via Google.

Google will overload, and being the biggest server farm will explode and trigger the eruption of the supervolcano under that place. Which will explode and orgasm fire all over your face.

Commodore Whynot":qnpurth1 said:
It will be the end of the world.

People will all believe it so sell their belongings on eBay to make some quick cash to do what they've always dreamed of.

As a result eBay will crash.

This will force people to search for alternatives via Google.

Google will overload, and being the biggest server farm will explode and trigger the eruption of the supervolcano under that place. Which will explode and orgasm fire all over your face.

So mote it be.

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