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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

IRC Quotes

<shadow> i like canadian money because its color coated
<shadow> and im a cashier so i like that
<shadow> when i get US money i have to stop and read what it is
<shadow> it all looks the same
<Dr_Funk> dumbass
<shadow> >:|
<Morphex> Ahahah
<Dr_Funk> american money is scratch n sniff
<Dr_Funk> that's how we know the difference
<shadow> lol



16:41 blink_ k
16:41 blink_ i'll get crapn to download them
16:41 blink_ CapnHOOHAH
16:41 twirly AHAHHAA
16:41 blink_ do it
16:41 blink_ ^
16:41 twirly crapn
16:41 blink_ ;x
16:41 twirly ahahahahahahaha
* sahdow is now known as twirly
<shadow> i do have a fuzzy spot.. its called my d*ck
<twirly> ahaha
<Ludicus> so it's 2 shadows
<Ludicus> which one's macbook and which one's pc
<shadow> no
<shadow> im the only real one
<shadow> the other is a twirlow
<Jeremy_> Portal 2 is only $40?
<Jeremy_> Aw snap
<Ludicus> where the FUCK is sahdow in the userlist
<Ludicus> ...
<Ludicus> oh
<Ludicus> yeah
<Ludicus> nevermind
<Jeremy_> Lol
<shadow> :x
<Rog> .42320. In what year was Picasso born ?
<Rog> 1st Hint: **** Question Value : 5300 Points
<Ludicus> 1943
<Ludicus> 1950
<Ludicus> 1951
<Ludicus> 1952
<Ludicus> 1953
<Rog> 2nd Hint: 18** 30 secs & 2650 Points Remaining
<Ludicus> 1890
<Ludicus> 1891
<Ludicus> 1892
<Ludicus> 1893
<Ludicus> 1894
<Ludicus> 1895
<Ludicus> 1896
<Ludicus> 1897
<Ludicus> 1898
<Ludicus> 1899
<Rog> 3rd Hint: 188* 15 secs & 1325 Points Remaining
<Ludicus> 1889
<Ludicus> 1888
<Ludicus> 1887
<Ludicus> 1886
<Ludicus> 1886
<Ludicus> 1885
<Ludicus> 1884
<Ludicus> 1883
<Ludicus> 1882
<Rog> Times up! The answer was -> 1881 <-

who the fuck is picasso
<Daneel> Starting the trivia. Round of 5 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 57
<Daneel> 1. Who would win in a fight between Venetia and Wyatt?
<Samot> Venetia
<Samot> Wyatt
<Samot> B-bazongas
<Anski> wyatt
<Daneel> Time's up! The answer was: In such a fight there are no winners. Just tears and sorrow.
<Samot> hhhhhhhh
<Samot> im watching top gear
<AmyPond> :O!
<AmyPond> top hge is gooo
<AmyPond> top hge is gooo
<Samot> gop too
<Samot> bop dear
<Samot> snob ger
<AmyPond> richard gere
<Anski> carl sagan
<AmyPond> damn good move...
<AmyPond> hmm...
<AmyPond> michael palin.
<Samot> carl sagan again
<AmyPond> bugger
<AmyPond> I give up check mate

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