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IRC Quotes


[8:48:26 PM] devin: that skin is stretched tighter than a garbage bag in a glad commercial



10:31 moog come get some, faggot
10:31 como thats what the meat van guy says in Bilston market
10:31 como come get some faggots
10:32 moog LOL
10:32 como ummm im not joking faggot

10:32 como "blah blah blah i wanna be free blah blah cotton nigger shit"

10:33 como im sorry
10:33 como this place has turned me into a
10:33 como raccist
10:34 como but its ok its only to blacks

10:34 como i dont think your really black anyway
10:34 como like
10:34 como you have a computer for one
10:34 como i know blacks steal compyters but theyre too backwards brained to steal the cables too
10:35 moog its on layaway

10:37 como i have a dream too
10:38 moog :<
10:38 como i have a dream that one day we will break race barriers
10:38 como no more fighting
10:38 como no more war
10:38 como because we;ll all be white
10:38 como please stop me
10:40 moog fuck you whitey
NIGGER SOAP":wmujpm6b said:
10:34 como i dont think your really black anyway
10:34 como like
10:34 como you have a computer for one
10:34 como i know blacks steal compyters but theyre too backwards brained to steal the cables too
10:35 moog its on layaway
hopy shit i lol'd really hard



<como> i like it with the cock

<Twirly> lol remember the old banner
<Twirly> looked like a cock too
<como> yeah that was the idea
<como> :D
<Twirly> lol
<Twirly> but
<Tomas> yeah but
<Tomas> what does it have to do
<Twirly> why a cock its
<Tomas> with gamms
<Twirly> yeah
<como> it represents our community quite well
<como> you see,
<como> it is a cock
<Tomas> heh
<como> and also home brew, egg laying, etc
<Tomas> mmmm
<como> the chances of a hbgames member brewing up a good game are
<Twirly> 0
<como> the chances ofa cockerel brrwing up an egg
<como> ghahahsha



<blink_> also man we needed bowl screens a while back and we went in
<blink_> and the dude was all like
<blink_> so you like getting chinese eyes eh
<Twirly> ahahaha
<Twirly> nice
<blink_> and then looked at capn
<blink_> and went
<blink_> "ohh"



<Ironcomics> Im Making a RMXP MMORPG!
<como> lol good luck
<Ironcomics> thANKS xd
<Twirly> lol
<Twirly> gonna quote tis
<como> got a project thread?
<Ironcomics> Me?
<como> ya
<Ironcomics> Uhm No
<Ironcomics> :/

<Twirly> can you script
<Ironcomics> ?
<Ironcomics> No
<como> this was the most successful rmxp mmo: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=19951
<Ironcomics> XD

<como> what system are you using?
<Twirly>30 dont suck your own dick ;x
<Ironcomics> Let me see
<como> let me see isnt a good answer
<como> lolll
<Ironcomics> Net rmxp online server - By vengeance
<como> wh
<Ironcomics> v 2.1.7

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