<fvckthekvlt> See, in my country, it is tradition to eat cheese before talking to a noble.
<fvckthekvlt> Oh wait, no, I screwed it up,.
<fvckthekvlt> Let me get the direct quote.
<CapnHOOHAH> borat was never funny
<fvckthekvlt> You are jealous of him.
<ss> ty
<fvckthekvlt> He is funny.
<fvckthekvlt> You are not.
<fvckthekvlt> He makes millions.
<fvckthekvlt> You live in a basement.
<como> wtf did he strike a nerve :x
<fvckthekvlt> He has a pretty girlfriend.
<fvckthekvlt> Your hand is chapped.
<fvckthekvlt> He can put himself together nicely.
<fvckthekvlt> You have a hard time putting together a puzzle.
<como> um
<Panther> XD
<fvckthekvlt> I can go on.
* como gives fvck a chillpill
<fvckthekvlt> I'm chill! I'm having fun