* MegaFlare is now known as MegaShower
<MegaShower> BRB
<shadow> ya i was gonna do that too
* shadow is now known as shadowshower
<como> i probably should
<shadowshower> people might start talking
<shadowshower> if all 3 of us are shower at the same time
<como> !op
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to como
<MegaShower> XD
* You are now known as comoshower
<comoshower> tough
<shadowshower> :x
<shadowshower> shower party
<shadowshower> yay
* shadowshower wears his birthday suit
<comoshower> :D
<comoshower> bbl
<MegaShower> D"
lets never speak of this again >.>Commodore Whynot":you9hst3 said:* MegaFlare is now known as MegaShower
<MegaShower> BRB
<shadow> ya i was gonna do that too
* shadow is now known as shadowshower
<como> i probably should
<shadowshower> people might start talking
<shadowshower> if all 3 of us are shower at the same time
<como> !op
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to como
<MegaShower> XD
* You are now known as comoshower
<comoshower> tough
<shadowshower> :x
<shadowshower> shower party
<shadowshower> yay
* shadowshower wears his birthday suit
<comoshower> :D
<comoshower> bbl
<MegaShower> D"
23:38 telta !rape bacon
23:38 bacon x:
23:38 bacon I...I...I...I...
23:38 bacon don't know what to do
23:38 bacon D:
23:38 MegaFlare just let it happen
23:39 MegaFlare it will hurt less
23:39 MegaFlare i assume
23:40 MegaFlare letting it happen
23:40 MegaFlare would make it hurt less
23:40 MegaFlare then trying to brea free
23:40 MegaFlare while his dick is in your ass
nigga lol ok
02:53 nigga are you trollin man its a poor job
02:53 nigga jsyk
02:54 nachos i am not
02:54 nachos i didnt entered the forum for 2 months
02:54 nachos and didnt have internet for 1
02:54 nachos so
02:54 nachos thats it
02:54 nachos i restored it yesterday
02:54 nigga so uh
02:55 nigga that justifies acting retarded
02:55 nigga ?
02:55 bacon o:
02:55 nachos pretty much, yeah
02:55 nachos it is just tonight though
02:55 nigga ah ok
02:55 CottonJ demonfire
02:55 nigga i hope so
02:55 DeM0nFiRe what
02:55 nachos i know my limits
02:55 nachos or..
02:55 nachos your banning powers
02:55 nachos which is the same
02:55 nachos sometimes
02:55 nigga im not gonna ban you
02:55 DeM0nFiRe boot him!
02:56 nigga id never ban you
02:56 bacon I might of had to bacon-smashed someone
02:56 bacon o:
02:56 DeM0nFiRe /boot nachos
02:56 nachos sghhhh
02:56 nigga just lighten up a tad, i dont mind the posts but keep it in rec ok
02:56 nachos why
02:56 nachos ok
02:56 nigga do u want me to
02:56 nigga idk what youre going for
02:56 bacon bacon-smash = eternal flame of hatred
02:56 bacon o:
02:56 nachos the last post was useless
02:56 nigga !ban Bacon
02:56 nachos i recognize it
02:56 bacon not really
02:56 bacon o;
02:56 nachos i would be funny to see how they reated
02:57 nachos you just had to read between lines
02:57 *** Kain joined #hbgames
02:57 nachos but i wanted to see how many didnt see it
02:57 nigga i got it man
02:57 nigga i just
02:57 nachos i know you did
02:57 nigga knew people were gonna bandwagon on it
02:57 nigga HEH WHATS THIS
02:57 nigga etc
02:57 nachos ohhh
02:57 nachos right
02:57 *** nigga is now known as telta
02:57 DeM0nFiRe lol, you guys argue like an episode of family guy
02:57 nachos ahhahaha
02:58 telta HEH DICKZ
02:58 telta ORLY DICKZ
02:58 telta YA DIXKS
02:58 telta thats family guy
02:58 bacon HEY MOOG
02:58 bacon HEH DIX
02:58 DeM0nFiRe No it isn't
02:58 DeM0nFiRe nevermind, I don't feel like explaining it, pretend I didn;t say it
02:58 DeM0nFiRe didn't*
What? You moron, it was a joke in the first place, and when I said I didn't want to explain it was because I really didn't feel like explaining. What I meant by arguing like family guy is like when they argue and their voices trail off and they are just basically repeating the same thing over and over again. I said that because you kept saying he was bad at trolling and he kept saying he knew.Atlet":jk6tvtij said:i like how when i asked him to explain he just dropped it "HEH I DONT WANNA BOTHER EXPLAINGIN" thanks asshole.
03:19 DeM0nFiRe Please shh
03:19 telta :X
03:19 DeM0nFiRe !votekick sohcan
03:19 *** MegaEatins is now known as MegaFlare
03:19 sohcan sorry, continue the scriptalking
03:19 Kain A couple other users have sent me bug reports, and usually its another script that just overwrites an entire method -.-
03:19 sohcan please, go ahead and bore everyone
03:20 Kain Nobody knows how to fix shit though lol
03:20 DeM0nFiRe Yes sohcan because you are the definition of everyone
03:20 DeM0nFiRe Kain really, just rewrite the SDK
03:20 telta heh
03:20 sohcan ther are 4 active persons
03:20 telta lerofel.jpg
03:20 shadow im back
03:20 DeM0nFiRe And 2 out of the 4 are interested
03:20 shadow had a MegaDump
03:21 sohcan left the babies at the pool
03:21 sohcan 2 out of 5
03:21 DeM0nFiRe Actually Kain
03:21 sohcan bitch
[16] <Kain> Just getting those E-Mails as a little kid.... didn't do wonders for self esteem
[16] <Tindy> they were so bad
[16] <MegaFlare> i went on a christan chat room
[16] <MegaFlare> back in the day
[16] <Kain> Until I got a girlfriend and realised
[16] <MegaFlare> to troll people
[16] <MegaFlare> lol
[16] <MegaFlare> XD
[16] <Kain> Ah the teeth scraping, I can still remember it :/
[16] <MegaFlare> XD
[16] <Tindy> xD
[16] <Kain> I felt like an Oscar Myer Wiener being devoured
[16] <Kain> If you pull it out and get an imediate queef, you must be doing something right!
<blink_> ... re=related
<indra> <> (at
<indra> Title: YouTube - MOH Hardcore Megamix Angerfist Korsakoff +++ (at
<blink_> fu lns
<Twirly> analfist
* Panther ist jetzt bekannt als Panther|Cleaning