<jooper> MEGAPORN
* Timmy sits next to Twirly
<+Twirly> :3
* +Twirly sits next to Timmy
<+Twirly> I am no girl btw ;-;
<blink_> lies
<blink_> he is
<blink_> i mean she is
<blink_> >_>
<+Twirly> LOL
<+Twirly> so uh
<+Twirly> what kind of colour would be less "metallic"
<+mawk> gunmetal gray
<+Twirly> hahahahaha
<Pluto> Pikachu! *be careful though. como is known to suddenly attack*. zort!
<+mr_great> Kain_Nobel you're a butt
<+mr_great> btw
<PK8Challenges> me too @mr_great. :3
<@blink_> Twirly what you could do is like a variation of a wet willy
<@blink_> just like
<+mawk> stick your dick in her ear
<@blink_> wet your finger shove it in her pussy with an estranged look on your face
<@blink_> and shout
<+Twirly> ElFaggot
* +ElFuzzo (~fuzzy@dark-dominion.com) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
<+ElFuzzo> I was having a joke arguement with one of my housemates
<+Twirly> lol
<+ElFuzzo> and I said
<+ElFuzzo> "your mom has kids!"
<@como> did he get confused
<+ElFuzzo> but then the room got silent and I remembered that her mom is dead
<@como> :x
<+Twirly> :X
niggard> como do you shave your beaver
<como> yes
<niggard> cool
<como> shaved the other day
<como> came up in rash :{
<niggard> ow
<Pluto> Awww.
* Pluto kisses it better
<siqmindedfuq> lmao
<niggard> hahaha
* missingno (~ive.made@v-02-0-028-925.hsd4.ct.comcast.net) has joined #hbgames
<MegaFlare> lol
<Perihelion> sup missingno
<PK8> missingno
<como> ingno
<Perihelion> no
[20] <boon> a rumour went round that we'd had sex a week ago
[20] <blink_> here he is
[20] <Twirly> cool
[20] * _xl_ (arbiter@mhvug.an.op.makes.me.so-happy.org) has joined #hbgames
[20] <Twirly> now you aren't a virgin anymore
[20] <Twirly> by word of mouth
[20] <blink_> lol
[20] <runaway_bro> you should be like
[20] <runaway_bro> "hey uh"
[20] <runaway_bro> "we might as well, now"
[20] <Twirly> yeah
[20] <boon> mawk
[20] <boon> I was thinking of that
[20] <boon> but she's still pissed off at me
[20] <Twirly> "there is always a bit of truth in a rumour"
[20] <boon> because she thinsk i started the rumour
[20] <blink_> lol Twirly
[20] <boon> there is a bit of truth
[20] <runaway_bro> <boon> I was thinking of that
[20] <Twirly> ;D
[20] <runaway_bro> :x
[20] <Twirly> lol
[20] <Twirly> man
[20] <boon> we moved up and down while hugging in a bed at someones party
[20] <blink_> ROFL
[20] <Twirly> lol
[20] <runaway_bro> the bed had hydraulics
[20] <runaway_bro> that's why
[20] <blink_> lol
[20] <Twirly> ahahaha
[20] <blink_> hurry and and id _xl_
[20] <boon> LOL
<@blink_> imo some people liked to insult despain behind his back
<@blink_> but wont do it when he is here
<+boon> fuck despain hes gay
<@blink_> heh
<+boon> oh wait he's not here
<@blink_> thats you dude
<+Twirly> ahaha
macaroon is wyatt btw<+boon> DarkSpartan
<+boon> did you
<+boon> or did you not
<@macaroon> I did
Secret_Agent_Man> they told me only trannys were allowed here
<boon> sure >_>
<macaroon> what that
<macaroon> was a fucking joke you nancy
<Twirly> LOL
<Secret_Agent_Man> shit
<boon> LOL!
<Twirly> HAHA
<+uke> slacked.org should have a pics page
<@shadow> it used to
<@shadow> lol
<+Twirly> PICS
<+uke> where did i it go
<+Twirly> in shadows fap folder
<+uke> shadow make a new one
<+Twirly> xD
<+uke> Twirly LOOOOL