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Iptar, now with demo

Iptar - so begins another crystal collection game

On a day much like any other, three roommates are getting ready to go to a convention.
As they are about to leave, one of their number invites them to his secret lab, a summons which no geek can resist.
Soon after entering the lab they engage in some irresponsible use of fanmade technology,
after which they are robbed and left stranded in an unknown world with little more than their cosplay outfits and accessories.
What can be done? They must locate and activate the portal to their own world, or be forever separated from the internet and all else they hold dear.

Around them they discover a world that is undergoing change. A new thing called 'electricity' is beginning to see usage in some homes, the common man is starting to read the books he keep on his shelves, and a militant faction of the government is lobbying for hostile take-overs of other worlds.
So really it's not all that different from our world, well, except for that part about the books.
Anyway, the three find themselves thrust into various situations on their path to return home - will they make it back, or will they find themselves ensnared?

20 years old
An rpg/fantasy world fanboy with questionable fashion sense.
Typically lighthearted, positive, and a bit airheaded, he seems to have
become the defacto leader of the group - no one really knows why.

21 years old
A japanophile with an unhealthy devotion to sci-fi programs (as he often attempts to recreate prominent technologies found therein).
He is often the logical one, but also frequently shows a lack of common sense and restraint.
If you ever play rock, paper, scissors, Spock, lizard with him you can always win by throwing lizard.

20 years old
Insists that he is a ninja and behaves entirely based on his own idealization of ninja.
He has trained himself to use the sword and treats everything as a mission to be completed.
While he appears to be the cool, levelheaded type, that's only because he's actually pretty stupid.
Pets that will fight with you (and accessories to improve their abilities)

Own a home and fill it with helpful furniture
-Buy bookshelves and books that will teach spells/give experience and information
-Buy a cauldron and learn how to make your own potions
-Buy a bed to sleep in
-Buy some food and leave your pet at home while you travel with another pet or character
-Buy a stove and cook the food you find/buy/catch
-And more!

Many items to be interacted with

Plus a plethora of hidden areas and bonuses
Spell/Physical Skill School
Fishing (only a few locations right now, more to be added)
Mining (currently only one mining spot)
Hide Tanning/Trading/Selling (currently can only be sold to shops)
Balance/Leveling - right now experience is basically all from battles with some padded enemies, these are to be replaced with proper monsters and mini quests
Music - hardly any exists in-game right now
Puzzles for dungeons - there are basically none right now and the dungeons are short
More dialogue from the protagonists
More story development
Final 2 or 3 dungeons
Scads of other things
Inquisitor (overworld)
Freakofnature (tent interior)
BenBen (ultimate interior)

Characters, etc.:
Margo Hess

Various ocremix.org artists (credited in-game)

The Demo is available at:

I am looking for constructive criticism on any and all aspects of my game, so please don't hold back!
I'm thinking of adding in an opposing group (aiming to invade the world of the main characters) to provide more story,
anyone have an opinion on that (or anything, can't believe 50+ people have looked and no one has anything to say...)?
bobbityjack":tfkzmvdi said:
Yeah, but you have to have a specific sword to be able to do it.
Oh, OK then, that makes perfect sense.
"My own special brand of humor"
This is very far from a feature, for all we know your humor is lame, please don't include this as a feature. Is Kent 20 or 2, what kind of 20 year old man acts like a ninja? I didn't try the demo, the game just doesn't seem to deliver. Try adding more detail to the story, and characters.
Alright then, I'll add some more info after I get back from work.
As to that other comment - Apparently you don't know any hardcore otakus if you can't believe a 20 year old man would act like a ninja.
-or college boys, for that matter...
Meh. Im pretty insteresting in this.
Im downloading the demo atm, i'll post some comments later :D

I'd probably give it like a 5/10
The mapping was ok, the story was pretty much non existent, and i had no idea what to do
I got bored quickly

Try spicing up your mapping, implementing more of a story, and giving the player some guidance.
But it's a good start (Y)
Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.
Yeah, I realize the story is almost completely absent at this point. I myself like to be able to roam freely so I've been holding back on putting that stuff in (but I will do it, it is a priority).
Now, when you say 'spice up your mapping', is there anything in particular you are referring to (adding more items, more variety, or something else)?

Thank you for viewing

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