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IP help.

Hello, I am having some problems with Ips, I am setup behind a switch and I can't find my real IP.

I want to get a the IP that other computer need to access this Pc, becasue whenever I ask my Ip the Only thing that Appears is 192.168.0.xxx
and the other computers can't access my pc fromt there.
But If I use that Ip the computers Will se my computer or the computer who is directly connected to the net?

Abyway, this is for playing AGe of Empires II online, and to create a server for Counter Strike
I've found that when I log into my router it will tell me what the network IP is, thus I could use that. Seeing as you would have to log into the router for port forwarding to use those servers, i figure that you would see it there.
Any help with this, the Ip of my computer is something like this 192.168.xx.xx
but That's my lan Ip I want to know how my computer connects to the internet like last time I set a serve a person said that my ip was 85.65.xx.xx:67890 Something like that
but it doesn't work anymore, I know the number after the : is the port I am using but how do I know that??





If you're on a switch/router, you might have to do some port forwarding in order to play some online games though. PortForward is a great site for that. Or, if you can't be bothered, or just don't have access to your router's admin section, (or other reasons you don't wanna play online normally =p), you can use Hamachi, which is VPN software. That'll let you make a virtual LAN over the internet with your friends and just play over that.

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