We previously had a small image board as a side project of mine, hosted on hbgames.tk and using Kusabax. It's become reasonably popular, with ~3100 posts.
I had been working on my own image board software offhand for a short while, just as a fun project. I didn't intend it to be used. Due to recent advertisement spam on HBChan, presumed to be drawn from our link having been added to Overchan, I decided to disable HBChan entirely and move in with my own software.
IMGBOARD is this software. It is basic, but it is our own, and has some cool features missing from Kusabax. It is also better coded at the backend - more logically, at least.
The Basics
You post image threads using the bar at the top of each board. Along with this you can supply a name and a comment.
Anyone can reply to this anonymously (or using a name, though they are still anonymous) with a comment or a picture of their own, or both.
Our tripcodes use a hashing algorithm to create a unique code from a password entered.
You do this by adding #word to the end of your name.
Please DO NOT use a password you use anywhere. Just use a throwaway word or phrase if you want to use a tripcode.
An example, wyatt#tripcode becomes wyatt!249b05078b. This might not look useful, but this is unique for the word "tripcode", and so everyone knows it's really that person.
There are a selection of boards in the imageboard.
SFW - Potentially safe for work*
/d/ - image manipulation (mostly despain)
/s/ - safely* random
/v/ - video games
/g/ - animated gifs (sfw*)
/f/ - food
NSFW - Probably not safe for work*
/a/ - animated gifs (nsfw*)
/b/ - brandon (random nsfw*)
User Created Boards
You can create your own image boards! Simply type a letter in the box and it will be created. If a board already exists with that name you will be taken there.
Boards are not "owned" by anybody and you cannot moderate them yourself. Creating a board simply puts aside an area of the site for a certain activity or whatnot. Derailing will occur if you don't keep posting in it yourself
User boards should always be assumed to be NSFW. We will only moderate them for illegal content.
* Always assume IMGBOARD/HBCHAN to be NSFW. 18+. Content variable. You must be 18 years of age to view IMGBOARD/HBCHAN. While we have rules, they are sometimes broken, and due to the anonymous nature never assume a board to be "safe". We will moderate it but we cannot guarantee the content you will be presented with.