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Internet Links

What I'm trying to do for my game is have an option for the character to pull up the internet, with the page of my choice. I have found the script on a different site, it works but not quite the way I would like to. The script is

system ('"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://www.moellermultimedia.com')

Except when I put this script in the script editor and call this script in an event, the script is pulled up and exucuted right when I click "test play".

Is there a way I could make the internet browser pull up when I click on a word or hit the action button on the event?

All help is appriaciated.
Hmm, I would also need this. I have my own Ideas of how to call this, but eh...?
This is the script..?

system ('"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://www.moellermultimedia.com')

hmh... doesn't do anything for me. Do I need anything else?
I'm definatly a scripting noob so I have no idea how to call this script. I found it on a different website and the person who gave the script to me didn't tell me how to get it working.

If anyone does call this script correctly and gets it to work, please tell me. It will help with my game much!
arevulopapo;170249":34dcmcvx said:
I think it should be like this:
Thread.start{system("C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe", "http://www.rmxp.org")}

p.s. switch to mozilla ;)

He might switch to mozilla, but you should know that the majority of PC users are on IE. If his script assumes the user has Mozilla (and that they've got it on their C drive, unlike me) then if they havn't it'd present them with an error. Most Mozilla users would understand that, but it could put a lot of IE users off the game all togther...


Awesome Bro

Well then.. All you do is make a Show Choices..

Do you use Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer ? [Mozilla Firefox], [Internet Explorer]
if [Mozilla Firefox]
Call script: Thread.start{system("C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe", "http://www.rmxp.org")}

if [Internet Explorer]
Call Script: Thread.start{system("C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe", "http://www.rmxp.org")}



It's because of the way the Interpreter reads the script - each line as a new one. Try shortening it, somehow like this:
ie = "C:/Program files/Internet Explorer/iexplorer.exe" (thought you might need to do it in a few steps)
site = "http://www.rmxp.org"
and then:
Thread.start{system(ie, site)}

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