Kingdom Ablaze
Interactive World Map Script Version: 1.2(beta)
By: Plague180
EDIT:Ive learned alot from making this script. once version 1.2 is stable i will add subsection support to editor.
EDIT2: ^^^^^^if anyone ever helps me find all the bugs in version 1.2, im still willing to add sub section support, but untill i see intrest im not working on this script.
This script creates a world map, to not be mistaken with a map.rxdata file, but an interactive world map that allows users to choose what town they would like to travel to and then go there, much like dragon age, guild wars, oblivion or fable 3.
Whats coming in update:
Version 1.2 Preview
*Apparently im a ass, so ya its gone, email me if you want this script*
Q: I get an error on line 302 in world_map, what wrong?
A: You don't have any towns UNLOCKED yet.
Haven't tested it with anything out side of my other custom scripts, but if you have a mouse system it might clash with this(if u use my mouse, but if u dont then it might not accept your clicks)
Credits and Thanks
SephirothSpawn - Created Data Structure
CyberSam - Keyboard Input Module
CyberSam - Mouse Module
Mr.Mo - Error Log
Tomas - World Map Background
Special Thanks to Silver Wind for all his help with my Sub Sections
Special Thanks to SephirothSpawn for all his support coding and moral, Thanks man!
Author's Notes
I work alot, but i will help you with any problems asap.
if you have a game that uses my script i would love to see what my script can do with good graphics
Terms and Conditions
I do not what this script hosted anywhere other then with out my permission. free for use commercial and noncommercial.
By: Plague180
EDIT:Ive learned alot from making this script. once version 1.2 is stable i will add subsection support to editor.
EDIT2: ^^^^^^if anyone ever helps me find all the bugs in version 1.2, im still willing to add sub section support, but untill i see intrest im not working on this script.
This script creates a world map, to not be mistaken with a map.rxdata file, but an interactive world map that allows users to choose what town they would like to travel to and then go there, much like dragon age, guild wars, oblivion or fable 3.
Whats coming in update:
No more scripting skills required to use!
Editor!!! no more messing with scripts!
-YES!!!! old town data from version 1 and 1.1 can be imported to new format(if you can follow instructions)
-Create towns, delete towns, edit towns, all in the editor!
-easily copy InteractiveMapData.rxdata file from editor to game! completely seamless!
Cursor type 2 upgrade!!!
-now you can hold down the button you want and it will smoothly move(smooth method to be updated after feedback)
Cursor type 3 upgrade!!!
-fixed about 10 known bugs with cursor
Now using Glitch finders input module!
Removed crappy module for settings, now everything can be changed in game at any time, even if the script is running!
You have the ability to save and load map data when ever you want
-considering making it so you can switch between multiple map data files, let me know if anyone would like that feature.
Script runs faster and smoother then ever!
-slightly under 1500 NEW lines of code working harder for you(lol)
BETA:Added town "Popping" to beta version of 1.2
Editor!!! no more messing with scripts!
-YES!!!! old town data from version 1 and 1.1 can be imported to new format(if you can follow instructions)
-Create towns, delete towns, edit towns, all in the editor!
-easily copy InteractiveMapData.rxdata file from editor to game! completely seamless!
Cursor type 2 upgrade!!!
-now you can hold down the button you want and it will smoothly move(smooth method to be updated after feedback)
Cursor type 3 upgrade!!!
-fixed about 10 known bugs with cursor
Now using Glitch finders input module!
Removed crappy module for settings, now everything can be changed in game at any time, even if the script is running!
You have the ability to save and load map data when ever you want
-considering making it so you can switch between multiple map data files, let me know if anyone would like that feature.
Script runs faster and smoother then ever!
-slightly under 1500 NEW lines of code working harder for you(lol)
BETA:Added town "Popping" to beta version of 1.2

Version 1.2 Preview

*Apparently im a ass, so ya its gone, email me if you want this script*
1 = Screen X coordinate that u want the top left corner of icon to start.
2 = Screen Y coordinate that u want the top left corner of icon to start.
3 = Map Id player travels to when you click it.
4 = Map X coordinate player travels to when you click it.
5 = Map Y coordinate player travels to when you click it.
6 = Direction(2 = Down, 4 = Left, 6 = Right, 8 = up)
7 = Name of icon to use for town.
8 = Name of town for name box or under the cursor
9 = Switch used to lock and unlock that town.
Example, screen_y, map_id, map_x, map_y, direction
icon_name, town_name, switch)
Sub sections are the same as normal maps, with the exception that their
last item is the name of the town that they are a sub section of.
Example, screen_y, map_id, map_x, map_y, direction
icon_name, town_name, switch, upper_level)
VERY IMPORTANT: Put the towns in the order you want the game to cycle threw
them. you dont have to unlock them in order, just insert them in the order
you plan too have them cycle when they all are unlocked.
2 = Screen Y coordinate that u want the top left corner of icon to start.
3 = Map Id player travels to when you click it.
4 = Map X coordinate player travels to when you click it.
5 = Map Y coordinate player travels to when you click it.
6 = Direction(2 = Down, 4 = Left, 6 = Right, 8 = up)
7 = Name of icon to use for town.
8 = Name of town for name box or under the cursor
9 = Switch used to lock and unlock that town.
Example, screen_y, map_id, map_x, map_y, direction
icon_name, town_name, switch)
Sub sections are the same as normal maps, with the exception that their
last item is the name of the town that they are a sub section of.
Example, screen_y, map_id, map_x, map_y, direction
icon_name, town_name, switch, upper_level)
VERY IMPORTANT: Put the towns in the order you want the game to cycle threw
them. you dont have to unlock them in order, just insert them in the order
you plan too have them cycle when they all are unlocked.
Q: I get an error on line 302 in world_map, what wrong?
A: You don't have any towns UNLOCKED yet.
Haven't tested it with anything out side of my other custom scripts, but if you have a mouse system it might clash with this(if u use my mouse, but if u dont then it might not accept your clicks)
Credits and Thanks
SephirothSpawn - Created Data Structure
CyberSam - Keyboard Input Module
CyberSam - Mouse Module
Mr.Mo - Error Log
Tomas - World Map Background
Special Thanks to Silver Wind for all his help with my Sub Sections
Special Thanks to SephirothSpawn for all his support coding and moral, Thanks man!
Author's Notes
I work alot, but i will help you with any problems asap.
if you have a game that uses my script i would love to see what my script can do with good graphics
Terms and Conditions
I do not what this script hosted anywhere other then with out my permission. free for use commercial and noncommercial.