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Increasing a variable and multiples

Hey there, need more help again.

Firstly the variable question:

How do I increase a variable everytime the player takes a step? I've looked at Game_Player (Under the 'increase steps' method, but I don't understand how it increases on movement).

The multiple question:

How would I check if something is a multiple or, say 30? I need something to happen everytime 30 steps has been taken you see.

Thanks for any help.

I did that, although I forgot to mention it. Problem is, I don't understand how it adds to it everytime the player takes a step. There's nothing in there that indicates that it should only increase on movement, atleast not to me.

The only thing I can think is the .min at the end of the array, but I doubt that's it.

You don't need to check it as there is already a variable that is checking the player's amount of steps and that is $game_party.steps. What do you exactly want to do after 30 steps? Maybe I can throw something up.
1) Look in the Game_Character (3) class in each of the movement methods
(move_down, move_left, etc), next look at Game_Character (2) method increase_steps, then note that Game_Player inherits from Game_Character so method increase_steps is overridden for Game_Player's increase steps method.

2) In addition, the % (modulus) operater returns the remainder of the two numbers (5%2 will return 1, 60%6 will return 0, 40%9 will return 4) so if it returned 0 then the first number is divisible by the second number
Sion said:
Divide the variable by 30, if its a whole number then the variable was a multiple.

No, it wouldn't work unless the variable or the divisor is a Float, If the two numbers are both Integers then it will return a Integer for example

50 / 30 => 1, 40 / 6 => 6, 36 / 9 => 4

If one (or both) were Float then you would get something like this

50 / 30.0 => 1.6666666, 50.0 / 6.0 => 8.3333333, 36 / 9.0 => 4.0

Its really a messier approach, because then you will have to check if the decimal part of the number is 0.0
I made something like this:
@counter = 0
@steps = 30
if $game_party.steps - @counter > @steps
@steps = @steps + ($game_party.steps - @counter)

if $game_party.steps - @counter == @steps
#do something

It's a bit complicated, but it works. ^_^

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