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Implementing window message in custom new scene

Im trying this in my merchants scene(its a improved copy of the shop, but with some extra things).

Now what im doing is this:

I instance the window in the main method of the scene:
@message_window = Window_Message.new
@message_window.visible = false

And in the update method:

Then im doing this simple test. When i try to quit the scene, this code is executed:
         #If other text has been set to message_text

          if $game_temp.message_text != nil

            # End

            return false


          # Set message end waiting flag and callback

          @message_waiting = true

          $game_temp.message_proc = Proc.new { @message_waiting = false }

          # Set message text on first line

          $game_temp.message_text = " Wep \n Wep2 \n Wep3 \n "

          @message_window.visible = true



I do that obvisuly to test it. But im having a problem: it shows well the window, but it disappears at the moment... i dont know very well the window message in general.

Any hints for this?
Any hints about implementing window message in other scene?

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