(haha luminier i used the 'done' for a leaving thread, i know you wanted to use it for yours but i BEAT YOU TO IT!!!!)
Yeah I'm leavin'. Most of you will either be like "who are you anyway" and i know 99% of the staff will be "thank fuckin god it's about time" which is totally fine with me :3
I'm going well, because .org sucks. And you can't really hold any single person accountable for the massive decline this place has suffered over the past say 6 months because there's a ton of factors... from the rapid implosion of despain, to the unbelievably immature userbase (on average), to the lack of any new members that are both worthwile and permanant, to the ineptness of the staff on nearly every level (pretty much everybody but venetia, peri, atemu, and lumi are wastes of space (i still love you guys as people though <3)), to just the lack of interest in the community. I mean hell, nobody cares about the weekly news threads because nothing ever happens here and the last BIG EVENT thing we had was 'make a mascot' and it was really lame.
Long story short, .org's dead in the water at this point. I wish you guys could see the staff forum - over half of the new topics in there are HOLY SHIT .ORG IS DYING WHAT DO WE DO GUYS!!!! and for a long time I really wanted to see .org survive, I really wanted to pitch in and help and make this place as good as it used to be. This is the story of many other people who have left (and who are considering leaving) - they initially really want to help this place and they totally mean well but eventually it feels like banging your head against a brick wall and nothing ever gets done. The days BEFORE despain was a shitposting faggot, when he was actually a good leader... those are some of the best days .org ever had. Sure his decline and eventual defection was lame, but it happened for a reason. Furthermore, Wumpi, one of the best members .org's ever seen, left with him, for the exact same reasons. Just flip back through the intros and farewells forum and find all of the REALLY GOOD PEOPLE this place has lost over the past 6 months or so. Teloch, Moog, Volrath, and others, it's staggering. rmxp.org is hemorrhaging good, quality posters, and a lot of them are leaving for reasons that stem back to the original problem - the staff here just don't understand that it's partially their actions that's causing the community to die.
After actually getting to know the staff and working with them, I've discovered that (despite them all really being nice people, don't get me wrong here) they really have no clue whatsoever as to why .org is dying and what needs to be done to fix it. Do I? Maybe - I'm not gonna stand here and go LOL THE ADMINS DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOIN F*CK DA MODS without fully admitting that I don't know everything either. But, I had a couple of ideas on how to fix the place, and they turned out to be part of a completely different vision for .org than what Brew and Shadow wanted - and, imo, the .org that Shadow and Brew seem to want to build is a .org that will ultimately dissuade good, quality members from sticking around.
At this point, I really don't think it's worth it to invest any more in this place. There's still a few cool people left here, you know who you are, and I really hope you don't get yourself too attached - unless some drastic changes are made in a few months .org will have become a clone of RRR at best.
tl;dr - i'm leaving because .org's going under and the current administration (despite being made up of mostly cool people) has proven itself pretty much incompetant
ps - I'll still be idling in IRC and i'll pop in once in a while to update the SnP project but as far as any kind of discussion topics or .org community things or whatever else to try and jumpstart the community here it's really not worth the effort anymore
Yeah I'm leavin'. Most of you will either be like "who are you anyway" and i know 99% of the staff will be "thank fuckin god it's about time" which is totally fine with me :3
I'm going well, because .org sucks. And you can't really hold any single person accountable for the massive decline this place has suffered over the past say 6 months because there's a ton of factors... from the rapid implosion of despain, to the unbelievably immature userbase (on average), to the lack of any new members that are both worthwile and permanant, to the ineptness of the staff on nearly every level (pretty much everybody but venetia, peri, atemu, and lumi are wastes of space (i still love you guys as people though <3)), to just the lack of interest in the community. I mean hell, nobody cares about the weekly news threads because nothing ever happens here and the last BIG EVENT thing we had was 'make a mascot' and it was really lame.
Long story short, .org's dead in the water at this point. I wish you guys could see the staff forum - over half of the new topics in there are HOLY SHIT .ORG IS DYING WHAT DO WE DO GUYS!!!! and for a long time I really wanted to see .org survive, I really wanted to pitch in and help and make this place as good as it used to be. This is the story of many other people who have left (and who are considering leaving) - they initially really want to help this place and they totally mean well but eventually it feels like banging your head against a brick wall and nothing ever gets done. The days BEFORE despain was a shitposting faggot, when he was actually a good leader... those are some of the best days .org ever had. Sure his decline and eventual defection was lame, but it happened for a reason. Furthermore, Wumpi, one of the best members .org's ever seen, left with him, for the exact same reasons. Just flip back through the intros and farewells forum and find all of the REALLY GOOD PEOPLE this place has lost over the past 6 months or so. Teloch, Moog, Volrath, and others, it's staggering. rmxp.org is hemorrhaging good, quality posters, and a lot of them are leaving for reasons that stem back to the original problem - the staff here just don't understand that it's partially their actions that's causing the community to die.
After actually getting to know the staff and working with them, I've discovered that (despite them all really being nice people, don't get me wrong here) they really have no clue whatsoever as to why .org is dying and what needs to be done to fix it. Do I? Maybe - I'm not gonna stand here and go LOL THE ADMINS DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOIN F*CK DA MODS without fully admitting that I don't know everything either. But, I had a couple of ideas on how to fix the place, and they turned out to be part of a completely different vision for .org than what Brew and Shadow wanted - and, imo, the .org that Shadow and Brew seem to want to build is a .org that will ultimately dissuade good, quality members from sticking around.
At this point, I really don't think it's worth it to invest any more in this place. There's still a few cool people left here, you know who you are, and I really hope you don't get yourself too attached - unless some drastic changes are made in a few months .org will have become a clone of RRR at best.
tl;dr - i'm leaving because .org's going under and the current administration (despite being made up of mostly cool people) has proven itself pretty much incompetant
ps - I'll still be idling in IRC and i'll pop in once in a while to update the SnP project but as far as any kind of discussion topics or .org community things or whatever else to try and jumpstart the community here it's really not worth the effort anymore