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I'm looking for someone.

Hey guys, a long long time ago someone on this forum gave me a piece of writing for a vx/xp game. At the time it was just for fun, and i didn't really go on with it. Now I find myself quite interested in it, and would love to find the person who originally wrote this, so we could catch up and possibly finish it.

I've got a small piece of the starting for ref.

"Chapter 1 - Graduation


A young soldier named ( ) is making his way up a mountain just
outside of his hometown where a festival is being held in
celebration of the 15th anniversary of the end of the last
great war

( ) (Sighing)
Listen to that. While everyones
down there enjoying the festival
I'm stuck up here looking for him.
He's such a pain in the ass



If anyone else has recieved this or knows of the original writer, please let me know.

Also if this is in the wrong section... My bad ^_^

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