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If you thought your martial art was effective...

...Wait until you see this!

Krav Maga!

OK, brief history on it: Originates from israel, used by their special forces, name is hebrew, and it's based on common sense (opinion).

But anyway, what do you think?
It's dirty fighting. How is that a martial art?

I like the way they disable weapons, though. But in most situations, especially those regarding a gun, it wouldn't work.

One guy grabs someone's arm at the wrist, and pushes his hand back over his wrist so the gun points back at the person holding it. Yeah, okay. But I doubt he wouldn't pull the trigger when it's pointed at your chest, heart, throat, then face as it moves back.
Okinawan Shito-Ryu Karate originated some 50-60 years ago as a form of combat and self defense, and while it's been tuned and toned down into what it is today (even the traditional Shito-Ryu style), it's always been fairly regimented and, well, very Japanese. However, the practice, self-discipline, so on and so forth can be found in many other sports - boxing for example. This doesn't change the fact that it originated as a way of defending yourself, and killing your opponent. Boxers punch punching bags, and Karateka perform kata. I don't differentiate, personally.

That being said, ONLY oriental fighting styles can be called martial arts, by simple definition of the word. Seriously, look it up. Martial arts are traditional oriental self defense forms. Otherwise, Fencing and all the rest would be considered martial arts.

That means that what that video shows is not, in fact, a martial art, regardless of what you've been told. That also means also that Capoeira isn't a martial art, along with, you guessed it, Parkour (I hope we can agree, at least, that Parkour isn't a martical art).

I thought it was pretty good though. All about disabling your opponant and kicking his ass as fast as possible. A lot of military fellows get training like that.
Just out of curiosity, if we took the term "Martial Arts" and broke it down, wouldn't it mean that all forms of war training are martial arts?

Anyways, I agree with Prexus and Arc. Besides, I would never judge any fighting form based on a choreographed scene with it
Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. - Wikipedia

I covers ANY form of combat. Including those with weapons.

Also, this Krav Maga thing looks very ineffective. If a guy was pointing a gun at someone else and you came at him like that, he'd shoot. You'd have to be stealthy; completely undetected.
Andy6000;248043 said:
You heard it here first, wikipedia is proof over a dictionary.

Also yes choreography is fun.

I would recommend that you do not take wikipedia as a completely reliable source of information, since there are some people that make articles there without doing research ahead of time...
Yeah, I used checked three different dictionary versions. Every single one of them provided one single definition, and every one said it was oriental.
If we take the words Martial and Art separately then yes it would apply to fencing and any other codified practice.

Getting back on topic, i agree with the people who said that martial art looks ineffective, the guy with the gun would just shoot him, and although we practice getting out of it in Taekwondo as well, i've never heard of anyone being attacked by a bear hug!

Plus the people were exagerating the effects of the attacks, this is a common thing in demonstration videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBk6gnVgTEs
If you let that video get to 1:40 you'll see what i mean, in demos its more about show!
That's a fighting style? It doesn't seem very hard at all and all he was doing was kicking the opponents in the balls. Maybe the part where he disarms the gunner is a fighting style.
Actually this is one of the worse examples I've seen. It's not so choreographed but it's still a set. Reminds me of Busho: the art of killing, where they tried to show off Judo, and set it up badly, so it looked humorous.

Krav Maga is actually a very brutal form of martia---cough I mean physical combat... cough... too come about in recent times, if in the right hands. Which is pretty much saying it's good if you know what you're doing, like all fighting styles. Besides, almost every actual tournament I saw that wasn't point based had nothing but low blows followed by knees to the face. That's the purest form of physical attack to stop someone apparently.

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