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Icon Display - Simple

  • .:UCoders Icon Display:.

    "Icon Display" displays an icon over events or the player. You can choose for how long. You can also display without triggering the event by using comments on events. Very simple to use.

    • Simple and efficient.
    • Allows for an icon to be displayed over events or the player.
    • Allows the use of comments for display an icon on the event without activating the event.
    • Easy script call for displaying icons by activating an event.

    .:How To Use:.
    # To display over an event, call this script:
    #   $game_map.events[EVENT_ID].display_icon("icon_name")
    #   EVENT_ID = the ID of the event, can be found on the left top corner of the
    #              event editor. Make sure to remove any 0 that are up front.
    #              For exmple: 001 = 1 or 010 = 10
    # To display over an event without triggers using comments:
    # IconD icon_name frames
    # You do not need frames if you want to display non-stop. Examples:
    #  IconD 049-Skill06
    #  IconD 049-Skill06 30
    #  The first one displays forever, the second displays for 3 seconds.
    # To display over a player, call this script:
    #  $game_player.display_icon("icon_name")
    # NOTE: You can also add how long it should be shown, default is until map change.
    #       To add the lenght of display do this:
    #  .display_icon("icon_name",FRAMES)
    #  FRAMES  = number of frames(10=1) that the icon will be displayed.
    # Exmaples:
    #  $game_map.events[EVENT_ID].display_icon("icon_name",100) > 10 seconds
    #  $game_player.display_icon("icon_name",40) > 4 seconds


    .:Instructions and FAQ:.

    Q: I can not open the demo!
    A: Download winrar.

    Q: What scripts do I need?
    A: Just the script and UCoders Module.

    Q: My game crashes and all I did was add the script to my game!
    A: You need to add them in the same order they came in the demo.

    Before you download, do read this!

    • Error Reporting
              Name the script you got the error in.
              Take a screenshot of the error.
              Record the line number and the line itself.
              Tell me what you were last doing.
    • Feature Request
              Tell me in details what you want.
    • DownloadMirror 1 - UCoders FTP

.:Tips from Users to Users:.
No tips yet.

.:Credits and Thanks to:.
Mr.Mo - Member of "Unknown Coders"
What are they I have been looking for a nice menu/CMS. Add-ons to it etc.
Keep up the good work, you've surely done the most today :D
Oh my. I've been looking for something like this!
This is very useful for things like quests and such.
Awesome job once again!

One problem though.
The Ucode module thing totally jacks up fukuyama's train script.
It makes whoever is following you...get stuck around corners and theres a wide space between the player and your party.
And yea...
I don't want that to happen  :P
I know its supposed to do that for the caterpillar script you released. But...could it be fixed so it doesnt effect other caterpillar scripts?
Can you link me to that script? I've never used Fyukama's Train script before but I didn't think my module would mess it up... Sorry about that.

I don't make Custom Menus Systems for public releases..I get bored XD. I only do scripts I have fun with :). my other scripts.. are well, 1 of it is a whole new system to RMXP.
It's ok  :P I love this script anyway  ;)

Here it is:
# train_actor

Caterpillar walking script

Copyright (C) 2005 fukuyama

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA



# Config.rb
# â–  Train_Actor::Config
# Caterpillar movement of actor is carried out on map

module Train_Actor

# â—
Woahhhhhhh... That script is huge and I'm sorry but I can't figure it out. I must be overlooking something. fukuyama's train script doesn't override anything in my module and vice versa. Try putting it under my module. I'll look again tomorrow when I don't have a headache.
Mr.Mo":2vfrqtr3 said:
Woahhhhhhh... That script is huge
haha. That's what I thought when I first saw it  :P
And its ok. I understand :]
I'll try different things and see if it works.

Works fine with caterpillar now. Thanks for the help. But.
Just noticed something :eek:
Even in the demo, not just my game, after your call the menu screen in any way,
the icons disapear once you exit the menu screen :\ All the icons.
Just thought I'd point that out.

Happy New Year btw :]
Lestat.br":32djdk2l said:
zammysoul please use spoils
Ugh..that post is pretty offtopic...you should atleast say something about the script.
..and, if I may ask. Why would I need to use spoilers? Nothing in my post needed to be hidden...
Why does saying a script is awesome and that it works fine now need to be in spoilers?
Do tell me.

ON topic:
It seems, with the default menu, if you go the end option and you get the choices to go the titlescreen and stuff, you can still see all the icons on the black parts of the screen. It's not a major problem. I can live with it. I'm just pointing it out.
Has that been fixed?
Sorry to trouble you again ^^;



Sweet, i'm adding this right now!
I'm using it like a Final Fantasy 12 chat system, players with a certain icon on there head want to talk

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