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I wanna a script for this sistem

It is scrolls that allows the user to learn techniques when he uses the item/command (in field) "magnifying glass"

This magnifiyng glass will have a cristal of an element (like fire, earth or something like it) that will have to be the same element of the scroll to the translation occurs.
If the user uses the wrong element of the magnifying glass to translate a scroll, it will causes damage to the user

eg: the user uses the element fire of the magnifying glass to translate a scroll with the elemnt of fire he will learn the fire technique...; if he uses a diferent one it will causes damage

I'd like to have options of fire, earth, water, thunder, wind, dark and light when the user uses the command
NOte: I'd like to have the option to show just the element learned/found highlited in the options of the magnifying glass menu; if you could make it like the ring menu... i'd be very thankfulll (instead of everything else of course)

it is a kind of translation that the user only will learn the technique when he uses the magnifying glass command

And there will have other way to learn the same technique...
it will be by learning of a master and he will give just the incomplete technique to the hero
(it will be weaker than the magnifying glass version)

i'd like to be like this way:

if the user learn the technique before he get the way of the magnifying glass, he will have a kind of "upgrade" when he get the way of the magnfying glass

Thanks for the attention!!!
*Thinks it can be done with events*

I'm confused, are you saying that when you learn it off a master, then use the magnifying glass it will be upgraded. Also when you just learn it, it will be the same strength as the upgraded or original learnt off the master.

P.S I'm not gonna bei doing this I'm just curious...
For example:

If you learn by the master first, the technique will have 66% of the power of the magnifying glass way...
and when you got the way of the magnifying glass it will have 100% of its power

master = 66%
magnifying glass =100%


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