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I need to know the command to run external application files

Sorry it's any trouble, but I need to know what command to use to open an external application(I specifically want to run another program so as to open a specific file, much like the way windows open files). I need it so I can use the bink play program (from Rad videos) to play .bik files.

Please help me.
Hey, long time no see, khmp!!

That is definitely the command i need, but I'm running into some problems...
Using that for a video file is no good, as it throws a message saying like "Errno: ENOEXEC occured"

I can run the binkplay application by itself all right, but when I load a parameter e.g. "binkplay.exe video" (like I should when I'm to run a bink file from the command prompt) it says "bink error: error opening file". The same video runs normally in command prompt. I've even tried making a .bat file to load the command directly instead of an application with a parameter, but it's still no good. What am I doing wrong?

(P.S. Thanks in advance.  ;)  )



MSDOS is one language I never played around with so I'm always at a loss when it comes to syntax. I thought it would be as easy as entering just the video file's name and hopefully windows would be able to determine the default program for playing them. I'll try to mess around with it

Woops. After looking at the documentation for exec it replaces the current process with whatever you do get it to run. Meaning even if we get that to work only the *.bik will play. And I don't think that's what you are looking for.

I guess it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. You are going to need the help of someone much more knowledgeable in the ways of Ruby, grecias, because I'm at a total loss. Sorry about that.
What a shame... just when I thought there'd be a way to avoid using that buggy thing called avi script... can't win them all I guess...

Really thanks for trying to help (once again) though.



I'm just sorry for dashing your hopes. I guess I should keep this topic open just in case one of the smarter guys have an thoughts on the matter.

Good luck with it grecias! :afro:
luck you..I got interested in how to do this XD.
I got this, but didn't test it, first add this into the script you are trying to call the window in

  def find_window(name)
    getCurrentThreadId=Win32API.new('kernel32','GetCurrentThreadId', '%w()','l')
    getWindowThreadProcessId=Win32API.new('user32','GetWindowThreadProcessId', '%w(l p)','l')
    gindWindowEx=Win32API.new('user32','FindWindowEx', '%w(l l p p)','l')
      if nextwindow
        if wndthreadid==threadid
          return true
    end until nextwindow==0
    return false

Now use this to call up your window:
while find_window('NAME')

credit Poccil and I if it works.


Are you trying to call from an event?



That approach wouldn't exactly work, as it checks only windows from the same process as that of the game, and Notepad (or another application) runs in
a different process.  I may post a modified version when I have time.  That approach when I posted it was merely intended to find the RGSS Player window.
Actually, this doesn't work at all. "Error at line 9: Undefined variable findWindowEx"... I put the script among the others and tried to use this on the intro menu(but yes, I also need it for events)...

Anyway, it's not worth much trouble...
poccil":4q076yub said:
That approach wouldn't exactly work, as it checks only windows from the same process as that of the game, and Notepad (or another application) runs in
a different process.  I may post a modified version when I have time.  That approach when I posted it was merely intended to find the RGSS Player window.

That makes sense. Good luck :)

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