So in my very first cutscene, I want someone to be pacing. But I can't seem to get him to do more than walk in ONE direction until he hits the wall, and then stop. I'd like to be able to make him move two spaces left, stop, turn around, move two spaces right, and keep doing it for a set amount of time or repeats. When he spots my character, I want him to stop. Or that is, I'll make my character appear at the same time his pacing stops. Well I've even tried using a conditional branch, making a switch that turns on when he walks left, which triggers him to walk right... but it did nothing. I think the problem is that he hasn't STOPPED walking, even though he runs into the wall and the animation stops. How do I get him to stop walking??
Such a frustrating, small thing to set me back so far... but I want him to pace!
Okay... I got him to stop... but now when I just put set move route: move left and then a separate move route: move right... he walks left for about five squares, right two, left one, and then he just keeps going left and right one square interminably. Looks more drunk than nervous... I thought maybe his autonomous movement is interfering? But I selected custom and just didn't put a move route... or should I do fixed? Does that mean he doesn't move unless and even tells him to? No but even when I do that he does the weird move route...
Such a frustrating, small thing to set me back so far... but I want him to pace!
Okay... I got him to stop... but now when I just put set move route: move left and then a separate move route: move right... he walks left for about five squares, right two, left one, and then he just keeps going left and right one square interminably. Looks more drunk than nervous... I thought maybe his autonomous movement is interfering? But I selected custom and just didn't put a move route... or should I do fixed? Does that mean he doesn't move unless and even tells him to? No but even when I do that he does the weird move route...