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I need help deciding :(

I need help deciding whether to get;

Star Wars: Battlefront II - Used - $17.99

Call of Duty: Finest Hour - Used - $9.99

I plan on definatly getting Fable: The Lost Chapters - Used - $19.99 because I've been wanting to play an RPG lately :p I can't buy all 3, so I need to choose between Start Wars or Call of Duty.

Btw, How much money do you think I will get by selling these at EB games;

Starwars Episode 3
Starwars Knights of the Old republic 1
Starwars Knights of the Old republic 2
Grand Theft Auto 3 (yes, very old :p)
Brother In Arms : Road To hill 30
Prince of Persia : The two Thrones
For me, I would probably get Call of Duty, because I really like the CoD games, and its cheaper too. and Battlefront, the single player isn't anywhere near as good as Call of Duty's. (I'm not even sure if Battlefront had a single player actually)

But you should probably get some more peoples opinions besides mine.

and i have no idea how much money you'd get from selling those.
Call of Duty for the pure fact that its a million times better than Star Wars: Battlefront II, and also virtually half the price.
Starwars hands down. Call of Duty sucks [[personal opinion]] but you'd get quite a chunk of change. It just depends on how scratched they are...And EB games still exists? Hahaha They're gone down here in Texas. Hrmm odd. But yes I'd say Starwars because well its funner [[is that even a word?]] ~enjoi
GameStop baught out EB games, so they are basically the same thing. Down here, we have EB games in the mall, and right across the street from the ball is GameStop XD;;; go to their website and you'll see they look identicle.

Anyways, I'd say Call of Duty. Starwars games, IMO, usually suck and dont have much to them. They're usually best to rent. But if you're nuts about Starwars, you'd probably like it more than Call of Duty. Personally, I dont care for either, but Call of Duty just looks superior XD;;

Oh, and don't expect much cash at all. Seriously, GameStop and EB Games are HACKS. They'll give you, at BEST, five dollars for a game (probably a dollar or two on average), and will turn around and sell it for at least four times, if not more, the price they baught it at. If you really want some doe for your games, I'd suggest amazon.com or something. Put it up for a slightly cheaper price than the stores are selling for, and if its in pretty good condition, you could get a lot more money. All my games are usually in perfect condition and i STILL get crap for them from the stores (not a single scratch on the case OR the game). Doesnt seem worth it to me. Better off keeping your games than selling them.

Anyways, all my opinion~
You are right, I'll probably make alot less then I should but i need it by tomorrow so I don't got much options I guess. I just needed to know so that I can see how much more money I will have tomorrow and make plans on what to buy.

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