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I need for an experiecended scripter to see if my scripts are clashing.

My game is laggy even in maps that only has 4 events.
If a scripter could look at my currents scripts and tell me which do they think
could be clashing I'd really be eternally greatfull. The lags doesn't make the game unplayable but it is certainly noticible and I certainly think it looks awful.
I currently using:

Real time active battle (RTAB) Ver 1.16 - DerVVulfman
Dalissa's Battle Cry - DerVVulfman
Multi-slot equipment script: Guillaume777
Easy Party Switcher by Blizzard
eharpyes Dinamic Time (that has ccoa's weather script)
Advanced Message Script - R3 - Dubealex - Clive
HP/MP/ATB/Overdrive bar Slanted Style Compatible with RTAB V.2 - - Clive
Remodeled Damage Display (RTAB Variant) ver 1.02a - I think its cogweel
Skill Casting Time Counter Ver 1.00 - again I think its cogwheel
Mimi's Battle Music (ver 2) - DerVVulfman

Can anyone help me out, I really don't know what the problem could be since I know jack about scripting :please:
Maybe this script: "eharpyes Dinamic Time" can be lagging. I think it's the only script that works when the map is active, so try removing it. If the lag ceases, that is the script.

Edit: Or maybe "Advanced Message Script", but I never hab problems with it.
Edit2: Or maybe you have a big tileset, or big/lots of images playing.
See the requeriments in the rmxp help file, for quick open it press F1 in rmxp.
If you have 256 ram an 800 hz proccessor, the game should not lag. Maybe a little if you have 128 ram.
Edit: if you don't use any of the scripts you listed, the game lags?
No, minimum ram 128, recomended 256. By the way, I have started using rmxp in a PC, with 64 RAM, Pentium II 800 hz Proccesor, and for playing with less lag I close all programs, including the rmxp editor, so I tested my projects from the Game.exe file. Too, I change the piority of the rmxp player to High.
You should buy more RAM!

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