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I need Blue Magic

I can't seem to get any help on Creation Asylum for this. Basically, I need a Blue Magic Script. SephirothSpawn posted a script but I can't get it to work. Anyway, what I need is:

1. Only works for the hero with a database number of 001.
2. Displays a message when the hero LEARNS the skill. If he knows it, the message won't show again.

Actually, I'm amazed. Of all the Final Fantasy Based Scripts out there, this is one that was never created without a request. And Blue Magic exists in almost every Final Fantasy game.

Anyway, if it helps, this is the script SephirothSpawn posted:

class Game_Battler
Blue_Magics = [2,3]
attr_accessor :learn_blue_magic
alias seph_bluemagic_gmbtlr_se skill_effect
def skill_effect(user, skill)
seph_bluemagic_gmbtlr_se(user, skill)
if self.learn_blue_magic
if Blue_Magics.include?(skill.id)
unless self.skills.include?(skill.id)
self.damage = "You learned #{skill.name}! #{self.damage}"
self.damage_pop = true
lmao 1 sec ill stick it on here just gotta find which project its in :P

# Individual Character Development - Blue Mage by Fomar0153
class Game_Party

  attr_accessor :icd_blue_mages
  attr_accessor :icd_blue_mages_all_skills
  attr_accessor :icd_blue_mages_skills
  alias fomar_icd_blue_mage_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    @icd_blue_mages = [1]
    @icd_blue_mages_all_skills = false
    @icd_blue_mages_skills = [] # ID of skill to Learn!

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    super(user, skill)
    if $game_party.icd_blue_mages.include?(self.id) and self.class_id == 8 # Edit the ID
      unless $game_party.icd_blue_mages_all_skills == true
        if $game_party.icd_blue_mages_skills.include?(skill.id) and rand(3) == 0
          self.learn_skill(skill.id) if rand(3) == 0

link to forum that was ment to be hacked :P


its not :P
i tried using the self.damage thing from seph's but it shows everytime the skill is used.

anyway, besides that, the game is virtually ready for beta release. i just need to go through and fix some bugs.
Wow, somehow, I managed to get it to work without the SDK. Thanks Seph. My game will be up sooner than expected. Once I get the Steal script working.
Is it possible to make it display in a message window though. And so the character only learns it when they defend? That's all that's left... I think
Another problem, the character doesn't receive damage from the skill even after it's learned.

i can't use SDK due to the fact that most of my scripts don't rely on SDK. If it was easy for a Ruby noob like me to change that, i would.

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