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I need a Battle System

Okay I just started using RPGMakerXP three days ago. I think its a great program and all, but there is one thing that isn't working, and that's the battle system. Here's my script request.

I need a battle system based around six types of points. Those points are HP, FP, LP, MP, AP, and SP. Now I'm pretty sure this is going to get some complex. I can think up a battle system, but I can't program worth anything, so listen up.

HP: Self explanitory this is the characters Hit Points. In my game HP is a measure of how many attacks a character can take before becoming downed.

FP: This is something you probaly have never heard of. FP is fatique points, in the game its how many attacks a character can give before tireing. Every character has 100 FP throughout the entire game, it never changes. Everytime a character attacks they lose 1 FP. And other attacks require more, got that? Good! When FP hits 0 the character is downed.

Okay I'm stoping there cause that's all I've changed below is the full battle system that i would love a script for. (It's directly from a word document so you may have to line up the pieces...sorry bought that)

The Battle System - Menus, Skills, Attacks, Points, and Techs

There are three ways to attack in battle.


Each battle skill has a level. These skills level up though battle or using a particular weapon, magic, or stealth on the world map. Such as using the Lock pick skill to level up your Sneak abilities. Also the Staff skill is best used by mages.

Weapons Magic Stealth
Sword Dark Gun
Lance Light Knife
Mace Twilight Martial Arts
Staff Alchemy Sneak
Axe Telepathy Bow

The Battle Menu looks like this. Retreat has the person using it attempt to flee from battle. Items displays any consumable items you may have equipped before battle.


By selecting one of the options Weapons, Magic, or Stealth you’ll be taken to one of the following menus.

Weapons Magic Stealth
Attacks Spells Stealthy
Techniques Techniques Techniques
Equip Equip Equip

By selecting the Attacks, Spells, or Stealthy option you’ll be taken to one of these menus. There may or may not be more then three skills per weapon. For example Iron Sword only has the skills Hew, Slash, and Thrust because no further skills have been learned yet. Twilit Fire is different because unlike weapons, magic spells level up with use. Fireball is Twilit Fire’s base spell with further spells like Cross Fire and Fire Stream being learned though its use. The same applies with weapons only differently because weapons level up by weapon type like Foil and Long Sword, not by individual weapons themselves like Iron Sword. Stealth type attacks work the same as weapons with individual skill types like Lock picking and Kills being part of the sneak family. Magic will always have an MP cost while Weapons and Stealth only have such costs when using Techniques or when the skill is beyond your level. Because spells always use MP it is wise to use the alternative Staves which are listed under weapon skills as Staff and are the mages second best friend. Also sometimes if an attack is way beyond you it may consume LP or FP if be wary of this because if LP drops to zero you die which is probably the last thing you want. If FP drops to zero then you will not be able to run on the world map, and you will begin to consume HP for everything you use thereafter that consumes FP. FP recharges overtime and with rest so this should not worry you. What should worry you is LP because it does not recharge and it can only be regained with the use of rare items or by staying at an inn.

Iron Sword Twilit Fire Iron Bow
Hew - AP 0 Fireball - MP 5 Quick Shot - SP 0
Slash - AP 0 Cross Fire - MP 15 Arched Shot - SP 10
Thrust - AP 3 Fire Stream - MP 11 Volley Shot - SP 4

The Bold, Italic words represent your currently equipped weapon, magic, or stealth these may be changed by selecting the Equip option on the pervious menu. However this option is limited to what you equipped to this option before battle, the limit is three extra attacks.

By selecting Techniques from the any of the three attack menus you’ll be taken to the following menu. Techniques use either AP, MP, or SP for Weapon, Magic, or Stealth Techs respectively.

Weapon Techs Magic Techs Stealth Techs
Multi-Thrust - FP10 Move Stone - MP 2 Disappear - SP 20
Feint - AP 4 Summon Zombie- LP 5 Pick Locks - SP 3
Chop Trees - AP 2 Hacnarin - MP 25 High Jump - SP 1

Techs appearing in red can only be used on the world map; Techs appearing in blue consume LP, Techs appearing in green consume FP, and Techs appearing in black consume either AP, MP, or SP and can only be used in battle.

The Equip menu is universal so there is no need to show an example for each skill type. Also because the Equip screen is universal so you can’t equip three extra Weapons, three extra Magics, and three extra Stealths for a total of nine extra items. You may only equip three extra items combined from the three skill types.

Dark Earth
Iron Axe

You do not necessarily need one item from each skill type, as you can see nothing from the Stealth skill is equipped. In reality you don’t need to use the Equip screen at all though it is helpful when training in multiple skills.

This concludes The Battle System - Menus, Skills, Attacks, Points, and Techs

The Battle System - Points Continued, and Stats

Every character has HP, LP, FP, MP, AP, SP values. Each one effects battle in a different way. HP or Hit Points dictates how many attacks from enemies that character can sustain before he or she becomes inactive. LP or Life Points dictate how many times a character can become inactive before dieing or in some cases until that characters LP is restored as is the case for main characters. FP or Fatigue Points dictate how long the party can run on the world map. It also has many other uses.

HP, LP, and FP are all part of the health family. A rough example below shows where the value can be seen on the status screen. Okay its not that rough.

A Character
Portrait will be
Displayed here

AP - 50/50
MP - 75/75
SP - 35/35 Conditions

HP - 350/350
LP - 15/15
FP - 250/250

Level: 35
Class: Mage
Element: Fire

Head: Hunter’s Cap
Feet: Leather Boots
Body: Iron Plate
Hands: Leather Gloves

Weapon: Iron Sword
Magic: Twilit Fire
Stealth: Iron Bow
STR: 32-----------ATT: 50
AGL: 15----------MAG: 30
INT: 18-----------STL: 42
SPR: 29-----------DEF:
BOD: 10----------
MIN: 20----------

BUMP! Buuuuut...I do have one change. All I need is when you attack SP goes down by one. And I need a a command added to the battle menu called "Rest" that Restores 50SP. That's all forget everything else. That's all I need.

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