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I have a request! For when your party dies..



Okay, to be as short and as simple as I can,

I would like a script that makes it so that when the party dies in a battle or something, instead of going straight to gameover screen, it runs a common event. (like common event #001 or something)

This would help me, and I assume a lot of other people who want to teleport to an inn or something when you die, or have some options come up on the screen, or whatever, you just set what you want the game to do in the common event.

I know that there is a script made already that teleports a hero to an inn, but I think that this would be easier for what I have in mind.

also, non-sdk please.

Thank you!

I can't really help you, but i have some advice: get the boss battles ready for this. What you do is you put in a continue even when loser command. where it says if lose, you trsnfer to a map stored in a variable. (the inn) The map becomes stored when, say, you pass over an event at the bed, storing the map id.
you may be able to use this for all battles, if you don't use random battles.
Insert new script:

class Scene_Battle
  alias jat_NoGameOver_old_judge judge

  def judge
    if $game_temp.gameover and not $game_temp.battle_can_lose
      $game_temp.gameover = false
      common_event = [COLOR=Red]$data_common_events[1][/COLOR]
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(common_event.list, 0)

Change the integer in highlighted word above to the Common Event ID# you want to call. This works for both random battles and called battles from events (without custom Defeat case).

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