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I got wii fever!

I cant stand waiting for my wii anymore! It's all I can think about! These are some of the creations that my mind produced in this state!

Wiimote Icon
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f377/ ... iimote.png[/IMG]

Arshes Battler Edit
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f377/ ... Arshes.png[/IMG]

Expect more of these, because im not going to stop thinking about wii anytime soon.

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f377/ ... ieswii.png[/IMG]

Those are sprites im putting into a Wii/White Ties picture im making. C&C please.
your a wierd person Kiniko, anyways. Last ones my fav, but you need to make the frame where the strap breaks. lol it would be a one hit kill in the game

-Mellisa casts hard swing
-Flimsy strap breaks and the wii-mote goes flying
-Slime takes 99999 damage from flying wii-mote

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