Interesting, the negative connotation of the word 'hunger' would seem to indicate that when hunger == 0, I am NOT hungry. (thinking like a programmer). Which leads us to think, "What would be 0, if hunger is 100?"
Energy, Stamina? (Try those in your search, along with 'food') Also, try some of the other rmxp support sites.
Although is the "BEST" site (shameless plug!

), it's not the only site.
Arbiter, the problem is, there is no "Event Systems" forum, and even if there was people tend to focus on one specific solution rather than the problem. The requester may have just assumed that the only solution was a script. I don't see a problem with suggesting an event based solution if it solves the problem. The requester can always say, "Thank you for the suggestion, but I would like to do this with a script."
Of course, you are always equally welcome to suggest "it would be better to script...", but you should offer an explanation as to why it would be 'better', or more efficient.
Admittedly, Blakadder should have posted his question, as written, in the "Script Requests" forum. Or, written it as, "Could someone suggest ideas or example as to how I would create a 'hunger' system?"
Most likely the latter, since he didn't provide specific requirements it appears that he is looking for general guidance.
In this case, I think it's arbitrary & should be left up to the requester. Although he will still need to modify / alias the menu script (Window_Status) to show the 'hunger' or 'energy' status.
He'll also need to decide if he wants to have different 'nutrition' values for different foods (perhaps linked to the 'price' or 'recover HP' value of the item?), and if food also recovers HP at all.
I know I've run across systems that are similar to the request, I will have another look & see what I can find.
Be Well