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Hue script

Ok, this script works except for doing its job. How might I go about changing the hue of the character using this script? It should work, but the variable is probably the issue.

#Hue Changer On Demand!
#Made by Shiroun
#I guess... here goes?#
#Alright, heres the jist of it below. First off, this is a script that you do, so
#to speak. Just copy any paste this with the number you want in the []
class Game_Actor
  attr_reader   :character_hue 
 if $script_character_hue = [123]
  then @character_hue  = $script_character_hue
 elsif $script_character_hue = [256 => 9999999999999999999999999999999999999]
  print("Unable to comply, hue is to high!")
  $scene = nil




First you should encapsulate this code within a method. You don't need to add that attr_reader :character_hue because it is already defined in Game_Actor as such.

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  def change_hue
    if $script_character_hue = [123]
      then @character_hue  = $script_character_hue
    elsif $script_character_hue = [256 => 9999999999999999999999999999999999999]
      print("Unable to comply, hue is to high!")
      $scene = nil

You're using an array in the conditional statements and yet again you are using single equals instead of double equals.

= equality
== comparison

The array on the other hand can just be substituted with a number. The number for a character hue can't be higher than 255 I believe. So in that elsif part you want to check if a number is between 0-255. Giving the final result of what you are trying to accomplish.

hue - 0..360 Thanks arevulopapo!

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  def change_hue
    @character_hue  = $script_character_hue

[edit update]
If it rolls over like arevulopapo suggests like an angle then there isn't even a reason to check the variable.

Good luck with it shiroun! :thumb:



Ok, first of all, the hue is never to high - it cycles by 360 degrees. So when it's, let's say, 1000 it's decreased by as many 360's as possible, and equals really 280.
Now, I'm not sure what is this: $script_character_hue = [123]
This array isn't declared anywhere, so it's that odd it doesn't work. Try comparing it with an ordinary variable.

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