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HP Requirement Skills (Skills require certain hp)

Alright, I am not too sure how to go about this, but I would like to make a script that allows the player to use skills if their hp is at a certain point or below/above.

Suffer - Player's hp must be below 50% in order to use this ability.
Renew - Player's hp must be above 90% in order to use this ability.

I am not sure how to set it up, but I was thinking something like this?

when {skillID} then return [hp percentage requirement, "above/below"]

      when 1 then return [50, "below"] #requires 50% or less health

      when 2 then return [90, "above"] #requires 90% or more health

If this is possible, I would love to have this working! :P Thanks for anyone who can help me!
I know one thing, with scripting arrays, you won't need names; skills/items/etc are only identified by ID. Also, a suggestion for "renew"-ish skills if your working on a game: Modify it's function to something more useful. I mean like: Player's hp must be in the range of 50%-70% but not 80% or higher in order to use this ability. This doesn't make such skills useless at max HP and still offers a mid-point healing/save skill.
Thats not the point...lol, I just need a script that can help me do this. :P Then the implements can be changed later on. :) But a health range percentage would be cool to have in there. :P But that does make sense. :D And the ability Renew is only usable with a certain amount of life. :) The ability heals status effects from allies and recovers some HP. :D



Well i have an script that do this (and more)


# Skills Conditions

# by Atoa


# This script allows to set special Conditions by some skills to be used


#  You can set variables, switches, hp, sp or states necessary for the skill

#  usage to be enabled.



module Atoa

  # Do not remove these lines

  Skill_State_On = {}

  Skill_State_Off = {}

  Skill_Sw_On = {}

  Skill_Sw_Off = {}

  Skill_Var = {}

  Skill_Hp = {}

  Skill_Sp = {}

  # Do not remove these lines




  # Conditions by active states


  # These skills can be used only if the user is under one or a set of states


  # Skill_State_On[Skill ID] = {'include' => [States ID]}

  # Skill_State_On[Skill ID] = {'set' => [States ID]}


  #  'include' => [States ID]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if he under one of the listed states


  #  'set' => [States ID]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if he under *all* the listed states


   Skill_State_On[68] = {'include' => [3]} # This example the skill 68 can only be used

                                           # if the actor is undes the state ID 3.




  # Conditions by not active states


  # These skills can be used only if the user is not under one or a set of states


  # Skill_State_Off[Skill ID] = {'include' => [States ID]}

  # Skill_State_Off[Skill ID] = {'set' => [States ID]}


  #  'include' => [States ID]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if he isn't under one of the listed states


  #  'set' => [States ID]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if he isn't under *all* the listed states





  # Conditions by active Switches


  # These skills can be used only if one or a set of switches is turned on


  # Skill_Sw_On[Skill ID] = {'include' => [States ID]}

  # Skill_Sw_On[Skill ID] = {'set' => [States ID]}


  #  'include' => [ID dos Switches]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if one of the listed switches is ON


  #  'set' => [ID dos Switches]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if *all* the listed switches is ON





  # Conditions by not active Switches


  # These skills can be used only if one or a set of switches is turned off


  # Skill_Sw_Off[Skill ID] = {'include' => [Switches ID]}

  # Skill_Sw_Off[Skill ID] = {'set' => [Switches ID]}


  #  'include' => [Switches ID]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if one of the listed switches is OFF


  #  'set' => [Switches ID]

  #    The battler can only use the skill if *all* the listed switches is OFF





  # Conditions by Variables


  # These skills can be used only if the variable met the set condition


  # Skill_Var[Skill ID] = {Variable ID => 'Condition'}


  #  'Variable ID' = Variable ID used. Numeric Value


  #  'Condition' = Condition needed to allow the skill usage, must be *always*

  #    an sting with an contional sign followed bya number.

  #    Ex.:

  #       '<= 20'   - This mean that the condition will be met if the variable

  #                   is lower or equal to 20.


  #   ** See bellow an list of possible signs. **





  # Conditions by HP


  # Theses skills can be used only if the user HP met an certai condition


  # Skill_Hp[Skill ID] = {'rate' => 'Condition'}

  # Skill_Hp[Skill ID] = {'integer' => 'Condition'}


  #  'rate' => 'Condition'

  #    The comparison is made using the value as rate

  #     Ex.: 'rate' => '>= 50'

  #           This mean that the HP must be higher or equal to 50% of the max hp.


  #  'integer' => 'Condition'

  #    The comparison is made using the integer value

  #     Ex.: 'integer' => '<= 150' 

  #           This mean that the SP must be lower or equal to 150.


  #  'Condition' = Condition needed to allow the skill usage, must be *always*

  #    an sting with an contional sign followed bya number.

  #    Ex.:

  #       '<= 20'   - This mean that the condition will be met if the variable

  #                   is lower or equal to 20.


  #   ** See bellow an list of possible signs. **


  Skill_Hp[57] = {'rate' => '>= 50'} # This example, the skill 57 can be used

                                     # only if the hp is equal or higher than 50%




  # Conditions by SP


  # Theses skills can be used only if the user HP met an certai condition


  # Skill_Hp[Skill ID] = {'rate' => 'Condition'}

  # Skill_Hp[Skill ID] = {'integer' => 'Condition'}


  #  'rate' => 'Condition'

  #    The comparison is made using the value as rate

  #     Ex.: 'rate' => '>= 50'

  #           This mean that the SP must be higher or equal to 50% of the max hp.


  #  'integer' => 'Condição'

  #    The comparison is made using the integer value

  #     Ex.: 'integer' => '<= 150' 

  #           This mean that the SP must be lower or equal to 150.


  #  'Condition' = Condition needed to allow the skill usage, must be *always*

  #    an sting with an contional sign followed bya number.

  #    Ex.:

  #       '<= 20'   - This mean that the condition will be met if the variable

  #                   is lower or equal to 20.


  #   ** See bellow an list of possible signs. **


  Skill_Hp[8] = {'integer' => '< 400'} # This example, the skill 8 can be used

                                       # onlyg if the sp is lower than 400






  #  <   - Lower than

  #  >   - Higher than

  #  <=  - Lower or Equal

  #  >=  - Higher or Equal

  #  ==  - Equal

  #  !=  - Different





# ■ Atoa Module


$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?

$atoa_script['Atoa Skill Condition'] = true



# ■ Game_Battler


# Esta classe gerencia os jogadores da batalha.

# Esta classe identifica os Aliados ou Heróis como (Game_Actor) e

# os Inimigos como (Game_Enemy).



class Game_Battler


  # Inclurir modulo de configuração


  include Atoa


  # Definir Habilidades Usáveis

  #     skill_id : ID da habilidade


  alias stat_skill_can_use skill_can_use?

  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_State_On[skill_id] != nil and not skill_state_on(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_State_Off[skill_id] != nil and not skill_state_off(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_Sw_On[skill_id] != nil and not skill_sw_on(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_Sw_Off[skill_id] != nil and not skill_sw_off(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_Var[skill_id] != nil and not skill_var(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_Hp[skill_id] != nil and not skill_hp(skill_id)

    return false if Skill_Sp[skill_id] != nil and not skill_sp(skill_id)

    return stat_skill_can_use(skill_id)



  # Verificação de condição de efeito ativo

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_state_on(id)

    if Skill_State_On[id]['include'] != nil

      for i in Skill_State[id]['include']

        return true if @state.include?(i)



    if Skill_State[id]['set'] != nil

      for i in Skill_State[id]['set']

        return false unless @state.include?(i)


      return true


    return false



  # Verificação de condição de efeito inativo

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_state_off(id)

    if Skill_State_On[id]['include'] != nil

      for i in Skill_State[id]['include']

        return false if @state.include?(i)



    if Skill_State[id]['set'] != nil

      for i in Skill_State[id]['set']

        return true unless @state.include?(i)


      return false


    return true



  # Verificação de condição de switch ativo

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_sw_on(id)

    if Skill_Sw_On[id]['include'] != nil

      for i in Skill_Sw_On[id]['include']

        return true if $game_switches[i]



    if Skill_Sw_On[id]['set'] != nil

      for i in Skill_Sw_On[id]['set']

        return false unless $game_switches[i]


      return true


    return false    



  # Verificação de condição de switch inativo

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_sw_off(id)

    if Skill_Sw_Off[id]['include'] != nil

      for i in Skill_Sw_Off[id]['include']

        return true if $game_switches[i] == false



    if Skill_Sw_Off[id]['set'] != nil

      for i in Skill_Sw_Off[id]['set']

        return false unless $game_switches[i] == false


      return true


    return false    



  # Verificação de condição de variável

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_var(id)

    for var in Skill_Var[id]

      return true if eval("$game_variables[#{var[0]}] #{var[1]}")


    return false    



  # Verificação de condição de HP

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_hp(id)

    if Skill_Hp[id]['integer'] != nil

      return true if eval("self.hp #{Skill_Hp[id]['integer']}")


    if Skill_Hp[id]['rate'] != nil

      return true if eval("(self.hp / self.maxhp * 100) #{Skill_Hp[id]['rate']}")


    return false



  # Verificação de condição de SP

  #     id : ID da Habilidade


  def skill_sp(id)

    if Skill_Sp[id]['integer'] != nil

      return true if eval("self.sp #{Skill_Sp[id]['integer']}")


    if Skill_Sp[id]['rate'] != nil

      return true if eval("(self.sp / [self.maxsp, 1].max * 100) #{Skill_Sp[id]['rate']}")


    return false    


The instructions are on the Script header, if you have any problem just ask
Okay, there is actually an error when I try to run this script. This happens when I run the skills scene.


Help please? :(



I forget to include the module on the Game Battler (i copied this one from my ACBS since i didn't find the non-ACBS one, and the ACBS already have the module included).

Just add it below the 'class Game_Battler':
include Atoa

Or copy the code again, i edited it xD
Okay, so, it kind of works. When I use a skill to make my character's life go down, or an enemy attacks them, the ability activates instead of when the character's life is down below 50% or 30%...the skills are just usable. So, why is that? I can re-look at the algorithm used to check percentage, but this has not been working...it works just fine for the integers, but when it comes to percentage, it just doesn't work. :(
Here is what I did.

Skill_Hp[2] = {'rate' => '<= 50'}
Skill_Hp[5] = {'rate' => '<= 30'}

Skill_Hp[11] = {'rate' => '>= 80'}
Skill_Hp[12] = {'rate' => '== 100'}
Skill_Hp[13] = {'rate' => '<= 20'}
Skill_Hp[14] = {'rate' => '<= 20'}



Skill_Hp[2] = {'rate' => '<= 50'}
this skill will be able to be used if the HP is lower or equal to 50%, is that what you want?

The script set conditions to you use the skill, if the conditions aren't met the skill will be grayed out and can't be used.

I just tested it here, and worked fine.

Maybe another script is causing some incompatibility, try putting this script bellow all other scripts, just above main.
Yeah, I don't know what it is, because if the skill is
Skill_Hp[2] = {'rate' => '<= 50'}

then it only works if my life has been lost some way, then if the skill is
Skill_Hp[11] = {'rate' => '>= 80'}
then the skill will only work if my life is full...

I am not understanding why it is doing this to me. :( It makes me sad because I really need this for the character rotations in my game. :(



Yeah, I don't know what it is, because if the skill is
Skill_Hp[2] = {'rate' => '<= 50'}

then it only works if my life has been lost some way, then if the skill is
Skill_Hp[11] = {'rate' => '>= 80'}
then the skill will only work if my life is full...
But that is the way

Skill_Hp[2] = {'rate' => '<= 50'} means the skill will work only if you have less than 50%

Try it on an fresh demo and tell me the results.
Okay, I even tested it in a new demo, and even then, whenever the actor loses ANY HP at all, they can use the skills that require them to have less than even 20% life.

So, basically, this is what is happening with the skills.
Skill_Hp[2] = {'rate' => '<= 50'} = The actor may only use the skill if life has been lost.
Skill_Hp[11] = {'rate' => '>= 80'} = The actor may only use the skill if life hasn't been lost.

I know it has something to do with the way this is setup, but I don't understand what the last part does, because it works with the integer requirements, just not the percentages:
if Skill_Hp[id]['rate'] != nil
return true if eval("(self.hp / self.maxhp * 100) #{Skill_Hp[id]['rate']}")

And in this, it works:
if Skill_Hp[id]['integer'] != nil
return true if eval("self.hp #{Skill_Hp[id]['integer']}")

So...how come this isn't working? :(



I just tested it here on an fresh demo and works fine... are you sure you're puting the script on the right place? between Scene_Debug and Main.
post an screen of your script editor.
Lol, Atoa, I am not a newb at scripting or making games, I just think something I am using is not compatible with it...it's fine, I am just using the script to make it so skills either require full life, or some damage to use skills; I am sure it is conflicting with my breaking limits script, but it's fine, I will work with what I have because this still makes my skills work the way I want them to. :) Thank you, Atoa!

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