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How to make the player walk up and down diagonal platforms


Awesome Bro


So I can't figure this out to save my life, I've drawn the hearts I'll be using to display lives, and I've set it out like this;

If lives are equal to 2 (This is just for an example)
   Draw the lives as image
   Draw number of lives

And each time the player collides with an enemy (Just using some spikes at the mo), I've made it do "Set lives: -1"

But nothing even displays at all, even before I hit the spikes or anything...

Does anyone know how to properly display lives like this ?


So I don't know how to really put a name to this problem for the title... but what I'm trying to do is;

When you jump on an enemies head, the enemy dies, but if you hit it from the side, you lose a life...

Now, I know how to make it so the player loses a life, or so the enemy "dies", but what I don't know is how to check the position of the player, like how to check if you're on the enemies head, or side...

I would prefer if someone could make a demo for it, as well as explain how it was done, although either will work as long as it's clear enough for me to follow,


So instead of having just plain flat surfaces to walk on, I've decided to have bumpy floors (Simulating the ourdoors), and diagonal sloped floors,

However, the problem is that as soon as it comes to a bumpy surface or diagonal floor, my player just stops completely and won't budge...

Same as before, if someone could make me a demo and/or explain it as simple as possible, I'd be very grateful,



Awesome Bro

Lol yeah, haha.

Well atleast I've got around or just over half of my games "features" done now, and when I've got them all, making the game itself will be VERY easy, infact, once I've got the objects created (Only need a few more), then I'll be able to easily make a game with a dozen levels or so in like an hour, lol.

My two priorities at the moment is projectiles, and proper enemy AI... the latter which seems impossible, lol.

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