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How to make Scipts Picture Based

Hey guys, i am curious; from Moghunter and others it is obvious that you can create pic-based menus. how do i do that? at first i need a certain amount of pics, like menus, text-box, etc. then i need to change the scripts, right? instead of calling a window with windowskin, i need to call the pic, and the position, right? the same goes for the rest. when i hit a button, it will call a script, for example scene$.item right? (not sure if right im improvising) then there, i need to change it there aswell. my question is:

is it hard?
"hard" is relative. You need to understand how the menus work, and the underlying system that calls & controls them.

I would probably try to use as much of the existing code as I could. Therefor, I would try to make the picture based backgrounds line up with a current Window_Selectable object, and still use a window, only set the window to 'invisible' or 'transparent'.

If you have the menus designed, can you post an example / prototype image?
Most of those menus can be done with the built-in window functions. You'll need to add support for facesets, and some gradient bars.
I would probably create a Bitmap.draw_small_text function for all of the information text. It looks like your prototype uses a smaller than std. text.

But, to answer your question, let's assume you want to use a picture for the selectable part of the main menu. (the buttons) (let's call it @window_command to be consistent)
Create a blank sprite in the position & size of the command window. Draw the image of the buttons with the text on them in the sprite.
You can use one of the built-in Picture sprites that are initialized in Spriteset_Map or Spriteset_Battle...
Now create a Command_Window over the top of the sprite, set the window to invisible, and control the cursor from the window.

For your message windows, I would try to create a windowskin first, and if you can't make that work use the same strategy as above.

Study the default main menu to see how it is built.

You don't draw a picture directly on the screen, you draw a picture in a sprite or a window.
The bitmap in a window is 32 pixels smaller than the window. It automatically uses a 16 pixel border for the window frame.
Std. text is drawn with a text height of 22 pixels, and the line spacing is 32 pixels. Window_Selectable cursors are set up for 32 pixels line spacing.

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