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How to make a betting system

How to Make a Betting System

Okeydokey, I am going to tell you how to make a betting system. If you don't know what betting is, you must have an IQ of -1. Betting is where you give up money (or something else) and put it on a certain thing.
You bet $5 on a horse called "Lucky Ducky" and he wins the race, you will recieve double the money because you gambled correctly.
Now that that's out of the way, onto the tutorial.

The ability to understand Variables
The ability to understand Events

Step 1
We must make an event with a graphic. Why do we need a graphic? Because this requires talking and our character would look stupid if he/she was talking to nothing. You can have any graphic you want.

Step 2
Make sure our event has trigger on "Action Button" but this is default so we don't really need to do that.

Step 3
Make 3 Variables called: Bet, Luck and Gold

Step 4
Make the following commands:
Text: Welcoming and asking if they would like to bet
Choice: Yes or No
Text: Ask which monster (or something else)
Choices: 1: Something 2: Something 3: Something 4: Something or "more" if you have more bets
When 1: Control Variables: Luck = Random (1~50)
Control Variables: Gold = Gold in Inventory

Text: Asking how much money to bet and possibly how much money is needed
Input Number: 8 Digits for Variable: Bet
Conditional Branch: Variable Bet > Gold
Text: Saying the player doesn't have enough money
End Branch
Gold: - Variable: Gold
Text: Saying it's started
Conditional Branch: Variable >= 35
Control Variables: Bet x2
Gold: + Variable: Bet
Play SE
Text: Saying Congratz and giving money
Text: Saying they didn't win

You then copy all this for all of the choices and at the end:
(From Choices: Yes and No) When No:
Text: Saying something

Hope you liked the tutorial.
Gold:  You'd have to set the input number to a variable.  (however much you bet.)  Then you'd check "gold >=  the amount you bet."  If it isn't the same or greater, then show some text and don't allow the bet to take place. 

That might have been way too simple and if it didn't make sense because I just started in the middle of nowhere, I'll try it again, lol.
Anyway:  This is an awesome system. I've never thought of anything like this before.  Nice job.

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