try not to make the highlights and shadows so sharp. Her skirt in the front view looks like it has purple cuts going into it, not ripples. In the back, her hair has odd white stripes in it. Are those highlights? Real hair and fabric does not have sharp regular lines for shadows, but complicated interplays. In spriting, that translates to antialiasing to add a bit of chaos and variation. That is also why your gradients are getting bad feedback: they are too smooth and regular. The only things that smooth gradients really suit are sheet metal and plastic... definitely not cloth. Not to say you haven't done a good job so far, but try going back over it now, on a new layer, and redrawing the shading using the gradients as a guideline rather than a replacement for doing it by hand.
Also, the back view looks just bizarre. Is that gold thing a cape? It seems to be attached to her shoulders, but it is coming out of her waist rather than from her back. What is it? Why is it flipping out unnaturally... does it have a reinforcing wire in it?
Don't take the criticism the wrong way. You're doing well, but I think you can do better if you try not to cut corners. The design is cool, give it the effort it deserves.