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How does it look so far?



It looks nice from just looking at it, however, I brought it into rmxp, and the from the back when she walks the hair bounces unnaturally. Your getting closer though. :)
The back view still needs a lot of work. You went from over use of gradients, to over use of pillow shading. Also, as said, the hair is stiff and moves unnaturally, and the back view hair still seems much shorter than it is in the front and side views.
it looks much better now, but you see how in the front stepping poses her hair is longer ans sways to and fro? in yer back view it's much shorter and just bounces... you might want to make it so the hair does the same thing in the front and back rows, it looks alot better now, it is turning out to be an awsome sprite



It looks better every time. The motions are still a little too dramatic. If you made the flow a little less dramatic, and make it look a little more natural. Getting close though! ;)



try not to make the highlights and shadows so sharp. Her skirt in the front view looks like it has purple cuts going into it, not ripples. In the back, her hair has odd white stripes in it. Are those highlights? Real hair and fabric does not have sharp regular lines for shadows, but complicated interplays. In spriting, that translates to antialiasing to add a bit of chaos and variation. That is also why your gradients are getting bad feedback: they are too smooth and regular. The only things that smooth gradients really suit are sheet metal and plastic... definitely not cloth. Not to say you haven't done a good job so far, but try going back over it now, on a new layer, and redrawing the shading using the gradients as a guideline rather than a replacement for doing it by hand.

Also, the back view looks just bizarre. Is that gold thing a cape? It seems to be attached to her shoulders, but it is coming out of her waist rather than from her back. What is it? Why is it flipping out unnaturally... does it have a reinforcing wire in it?

Don't take the criticism the wrong way. You're doing well, but I think you can do better if you try not to cut corners. The design is cool, give it the effort it deserves.
thanks for your comment :P about the colour purple, is it too bright?, i was thinking about changing it to dark blue instead while trying to re-shade the purple bits too.

as about the highlights, im not sure i want to go too light, other wise you won't see it and it'll look flat i think, not sure..

the cape is kinda hard to describe, i didnt draw it onto the doll on the first page, maybe some other time ill re-drawy her, and you'll know why its like the way it is. um, you mean the back view of the cape? its meant to look as if its flowing backwards. dont think it would look right if it went side to side.

thanks for your comments though erk. i appreciate them all. :D

and another question, how does changin her blonde sound?
i have a sort of bubbly/optimistic rikku/selphie type character but im not sure if i want her blonde as thats a bit same old so i thought of changing her to brown hair for difference so it means i should chnage this one blonde...hmm..
tell me what you think

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h160/ ... girl-5.png[/img]
this is the final update unless i decide to change the hair colour
Tiganca;126748 said:
her hair is strange... it's super big in the first row then very flat in the next two... then too geometrical in the last row... her clothing also looks too geometric. if she's supposed to be your leading lady get some curves on her... plus she seems to sharp in color or something... can't quite put my finger on how to describe what's wrong there...
My statement stands...
oo, your hard to please! :(

i tried to sort that, any more hair cut off and you'd see her bald head....

then too geometrical in the last row
ive kinda sorted that, i dont want her to have hair that looks like its been run through a paper shredder!

her clothing also looks too geometric
still? i tried to sort that aswell, but it ends up looking like shes got rips on her clothes...

if she's supposed to be your leading lady get some curves on her
i dont think that actually matters does it?, leading lady or not....

plus she seems to sharp in color or something
thought that myself, so ive already darkened the colour of the purple, im keeping the gold though, sorry, dont want to maker her duller, or the design overall would look boring.

i know i sound a bit like i cant take those comments, there much appreciated, but i just want to show you ive tried sorting those stuff out.



I beg you not to call this finished. You can get a lot better; you have some skill, just put the time into it. It seems like a lot of work, but you will get faster as you go. Check out my post for some ideas, and many of the posts in this thread... I will post more for you if I get time.
hmm..ok, ive kind of started on another sprite though, just the hair though on one frame.

ehat do you suggest?

i was looking back at you rlast comment and the only thing ive not really done was the hair highlights, i tried darkning them a bit but it makes it look very flat so i put it back.

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