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How do you make anime intro script?

So does anyone know how do you make an anime intro script? Making it an intro before the game itself, so does anyone know. It's a reel of pictures, that's anime right, if people played Dark Eternal, the new version you would see there intro. I'm after that type of intro, I don't know it's not a movie one, but it moves it could reel of pictures. It's in the beginning, it comes with pictures and it's anime, like Wild Arms.



Real quick: Get your terms straight.

Anime - A style of animation originating in Japan.

Animation - Still frames shown at a quick rate to give the illusion of movement.

As for how many frames you need the best answer I can give you is "a lot". It'll depend on the frame rate (ie: how many frames are each second). Most video is shown at 30 Frames per second, which means for each second of animation, you need 30 frames of content.

This adds up fast.

If you want to make an animation from scratch, there are a lot of options, but few of them are free. Closest thing I can think of offhand is Anime Studio (free demo here) but I've never used it so I can't say much about it. whatever you use, you'd have to export the whole thing as individual frames and then attach them to your project.



Mea;145925 said:
Real quick: Get your terms straight.

Anime - A style of animation originating in Japan.

Animation - Still frames shown at a quick rate to give the illusion of movement.

As for how many frames you need the best answer I can give you is "a lot". It'll depend on the frame rate (ie: how many frames are each second). Most video is shown at 30 Frames per second, which means for each second of animation, you need 30 frames of content.

This adds up fast.

If you want to make an animation from scratch, there are a lot of options, but few of them are free. Closest thing I can think of offhand is Anime Studio (free demo here) but I've never used it so I can't say much about it. whatever you use, you'd have to export the whole thing as individual frames and then attach them to your project.

Actually normal animation such as vectored and most cartoons like family guy etc are done at 12fps....anime is done at a much bigger interval of 24fps. Anime is generally very difficult to pull off as since its 1 frame less then real camera footage which means everything must have a realistic movement to it to make it work.



I may be off then. From what I understood the rates were:

TV: 30 FPS
Movies: 24 FPS
Flash/Vector: varries, but defaults to 12 in the editor

Even at 12 FPS, it adds up to a lot of frames fast.
I am so confused O.O

EDIT: WAIT! no I'm not, the last ting I saw was all the bumbps, ther was no page 4 for some reason. Im gona havta try this out soon cause it would be perfect for my game ^^

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