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how do we change ingame fonts?

Since i hav 3 different RPG Maker XPs in my computer, postality knights used global variables(Main: $defaultfonttype), japanese version i hardly understand and i can't seem to find the control for the fonts in the english version(RMXP v1.02a). so for people who know, can i ask how exactly do we change ingame fonts for RPG Maker XP v1.02a english version?

~BTW sorry for using the postality knights...:tongue02:
SheilaMelodia;177589 said:
Since i hav 3 different RPG Maker XPs in my computer, postality knights used global variables(Main: $defaultfonttype), japanese version i hardly understand and i can't seem to find the control for the fonts in the english version(RMXP v1.02a). so for people who know, can i ask how exactly do we change ingame fonts for RPG Maker XP v1.02a english version?

~BTW sorry for using the postality knights...:tongue02:

have you not read the rules of this website? use of postality knights is ileagal and not many people will help now you have admited that

Come on you wouldnt steal a car, so why steel a program?
Give him a break, he has the legal version also.

I like to use this very small script

class Font
 alias font_fix_initialize initialize
 def initialize
   self.name = "Arial" # Font
   self.size = 22 # Size

Just insert it in a new script above main but below everything else.



Maybe this will help:
# ** Main

$defaultfonttype = $fontface = $fontname = Font.default_name = "Arial"
$defaultfontsize = $fontsize = Font.default_size =  20

# Prepare for transition
  # Make scene object (title screen)
  $scene = Scene_Title.new
  # Call main method as long as $scene is effective
  while $scene != nil
  # Fade out
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  # Supplement Errno::ENOENT exception
  # If unable to open file, display message and end
  filename = $!.message.sub("No such file or directory - ", "")
  print("Unable to find file #{filename}.")



tibuda;178158 said:
I don't have it in mine.

just add it after begin

$fontface = "Your_Font"
$fontsize = Size

and on scripts, use self.contents.font.name = $fontface and self.contents.font.size = $fontsize to use the main fonts properties
that was RMXP 1.00? and if using other scripts, it might as well disable some script which is right above main right? I've got a big preoblem... and the PK edition is using the global vars, so would t work on the legal RMXP(RGSS1.02E)?
BTW, im a girl
Put main this:
$defaultfonttype = $fontface = $fontname = Font.default_name = ["font1","font2"]
$defaultfontsize = $fontsize = Font.default_size = 22
You can set fontname as array. In that case, if first font in array doesn't exist, RMXP automatically use second font. Even if first font exists, it can use second(or maybe third...) font if first font doesn't include some characters.

**those global variables are just for some scripts that are older, or still use such.(I'm lazy to delete them....)

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