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How did you find RMXP.org?

My little brother (10) was obsessed with game making and complained that he had no tutorials...I ignored him for a while till I tried the program myself. I thought it was extremely cool and used *ahem* superior (to a 10 yr old) magic Googling ability to find a tutorial. I signed up here because I thought it was the official site lol.
I worked at .net, and I miss Cleric. (not LG though) And when one boat exploded, I went with everyone else to the other ship, which is thus far explosion free (small fires are pretty common though). I found .net... Somewhere. I joined around the time Erk did. Maybe that had something to do with it. Probably just a google search gone wrong, and I felt like a community needed my hateful touch. (though that's kind of a lie, I was quite pleasant back then!)

Also seriously, I know this topic exists already. I'm quite sure I replied in the other one. Maybe it got lost in a hack or something.



I felt like a community needed my hateful touch. (though that's kind of a lie, I was quite pleasant back then!)

i remember when you went into #slackdev to bitch at us about the pickle flood. ah, the good old days.
I found .net a while ago on google, but that was after it was already shutdown. I looked around more and found .org shortly after, but that was right after the major hack so I never actually joined the site until afriend referred me recently. (Aren't you guys glad I came? :b )
Back...well way back. I found Phylomorphis while searching for RM2k3 resources, then I found RMXP.net from them, and well after all that I still don't post often. I guess this place is a lot bigger then it used to be now, if you google "RMXP" its like the second or third link.
I, like Andy6000, was a mod at .net (what ever happened to Insomniac?). I was one of the very very last mods to move over here!

How did I find .net? Probably google.
Wasn't Imsomniac part of the website staff at one point, on .net? I don't remember him being active at all, while I was around.

I think I was the very last mod to come to .org. My internet crapped out for the summer, and when I came back, .net was gone ^_^
I was given a link to .org by a friend when he introduced me to rmxp, before the legal english version came out. He said it was a good place to find resources. I migrated over to .net when .org went down, because this was the best rmxp community, imho, at the time. Now i'm addicted to .net, i can't seem to stay away, even when I'm at work. (I work at subway and our register has windows xp...)
I found .net about 2 (I guess) years ago from Phylomortis. It wasn't until 6 months later that I actually started posting there, though, but then it crapped out (after which I, of course, joined .org).

Was looking for resources on Google (back then I was still planning to buy Rpg Maker ':| ) and happened to come across here. About a month later, I actually bought the program.
Got linked to .net from Kamain. Then from when the whole shutdown of .net, I found .org by searching RMXP on google. :)
I found this site in the same month it was released I didn't sign up all I did was play with the few scripts that were on here and read a bunch of stuff like I do now. I found it when it was .net infact... I kinda remember signing up under the name Full_Metal....something... anyways I stepped away for for while and now I'm back and ready to learn the ways of RPG Maker Xp



I got married and then when things settled down I started playing Phantasy Star Online Ep. I & II for Gamecube for a long time, then when I decided to play RPG Maker XP again, I came back to find RMXP.net had vanished. I searched Yahoo! and found RMXP.org. I've nearly forgotten about .net, and I was there longer than I was here.



yer, i stopped rmxp for about a year, then I decided to start again, then I couldn't find .net, so i was like wtf, and google rmxp, and this was the top, and the most professional looking out them all.
I used to leech at .net and all together gave up on rmxp for other hobbies, eventually returning to the hobby of attempted game making and going back to .net I saw that it was defunct now and a big huge link said to come here, so I did and joined a few days later.
.net was actaully in the credits for an RMXP game I played. So I went to check it out,but at this point it was down so then i googled rmxp and found this.
I geeze, I plum forget how or exactly when I found rmxp.net... its been a while, eh? I think i was there for 1-2ish years before the switch over to rmxp.org. Oh wait! I remember now! Haha... i was just about to say what possibilities that i found when i remembered (yes, I type as I think... and dont bother deleting things half the time... laaziness...)

Anyways, I had just gotten RMXP when i joined uuuhhh... LRGPM. Through there, I learned of a game by... oh crap, forget his name. I wanted to know where he got his resources when he directed me to rmxp.net. Though I dont really make games anymore (I would if i could get me a legal copy. I really only want to work on a game right now too. But i just dont have the money to spare right now >< I got some awesome ideas, i just need help on making it as i see it) I enjoy chatting about the new games, seeing what people have done with RMXP, and what not. So i stuck around, even after the move~ (wow, wasnt that a stupid story no one wanted to hear? Keep on topic!! *hits self*).

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