I geeze, I plum forget how or exactly when I found rmxp.net... its been a while, eh? I think i was there for 1-2ish years before the switch over to rmxp.org. Oh wait! I remember now! Haha... i was just about to say what possibilities that i found when i remembered (yes, I type as I think... and dont bother deleting things half the time... laaziness...)
Anyways, I had just gotten RMXP when i joined uuuhhh... LRGPM. Through there, I learned of a game by... oh crap, forget his name. I wanted to know where he got his resources when he directed me to rmxp.net. Though I dont really make games anymore (I would if i could get me a legal copy. I really only want to work on a game right now too. But i just dont have the money to spare right now >< I got some awesome ideas, i just need help on making it as i see it) I enjoy chatting about the new games, seeing what people have done with RMXP, and what not. So i stuck around, even after the move~ (wow, wasnt that a stupid story no one wanted to hear? Keep on topic!! *hits self*).