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Horror story WIP.

Well hello everyone.
I'm not sure why but I decided to try my hand at writing a short story. I've never attempted this before but have often thought of doing it.

What am I looking for?

Honesty! Really. Critique, pointers, tips, whatever I can get.

Please be honest and tell me what you think. Depending on the pointers and tips I will modify what is here, as well as keep adding to the story. I guess that's it, please have a look and tell me what you think.

When will more be added?

As I write it of course. Each section.

The Untitled as of yet story. This is the second revision.


    Erik Lauder lit his smoke with a wooden match from his breast pocket, shook it, then tossed

the useless stick into the dirt. He gazed at the old house he was about to enter and thought: My

god, what am I doing here?
Then he turned to look back the way he had come. I could just turn

around and leave now. Forget this whole thing and just go home.
Erik removed a small flashlight

from his right pocket and began turning it round and round in his hand. He shuttered abruptly,

and shook it off as fast as it came. It's time to do this he thought as he slid his thumb upwards to

the ON switch. A bird chirped somewhere above him making Erik look skyward. A strange

colored bird flew past and over the house. Erik followed it's flight and finally was again looking

at the front door. A man stood in the doorway and Erik looked at him nervously.

"Sir?" the man asked as he moved to the left of the door. "Henry is expecting you."

"I imagine he is." Erik said Lamely as he stepped onto the decaying old deck and through the

front door.

  The main room was lined with old-fashioned high-backed chairs. Very expensive looking. A

single decorative table stood beside a pair of massive double doors in front of him. A single

stone carving of a man with outstretched arms adorned it.

"Mr. Lauder?" the mysterious man behind him said "Henry is waiting in his study. Through those

doors and to your left."

Erik peered into the candle lit room before him, then back to the man behind him.

"My left you say?" Erik asked as he pointed with his hand.

"Yes." the man answered "Go now please, Henry does not like to wait."

"No. I guess he wouldn't."

"Umm- Mr. Lauder?"


"You won't be needing that." he said as he pointed to Erik's small flashlight.

"I suppose not." Erik said as he switched off the small light and placed it back in his pocket. The

man was still looking at him. He wants me to give him my flashlight Erik thought as he looked at

the other man's outstretched hand. No fucking way.

"Please sir. Henry is not a patient man."

Erik nodded and dumbly turned around. He didn't want my light Erik thought. He's just becoming

impatient with me
. Erik nodded and stepped into the next room.

This is the first version of this story for anyone who wishes to see the difference.

  As I moved closer to the front door I knew I should turn and leave. Even in the sunlight and far away this place seemed damned.  Like looking through the rusted, moss covered gate of a cemetery long forgotten. And forgotten for a reason. This place reeked of an evil that made the hair on my neck not just rise, but seem to want to rip from my skin and run screaming. "One last look around" I said to myself and turned to face the overgrowth that once was a beautiful front yard. 
'No more, not now' I thought. 'Rotten and useless you have become'. For some reason that thought seemed to comfort me. Watching the massive weeds swaying back and forth in the wind made this place all the more bearable. A little normality in this bizarre situation. That was before I made another horrible realization. The weeds were all swaying in different directions, and somehow they were watching me. I could feel it. With the grace of a drunken man attempting ballet I spun around, grabbed the door handle, and poured myself into the house. The door closed behind me.

  To say this place was spooky was a severe understatement. It held within it a quality that would make the bravest of men shudder uncontrollably. Myself included. Without warning a old memory flashed through my mind.

" Erks? " a voice whispered from the darkness " Where did you go? "

That was a word I hadn't heard in a long time.  'Erks' was my nickname in junior high. I even still remembered who it was that called out to me. Chris Barbour. He had been my best friend way back then.

" Erks? " His voice echoed again " Where did you go? "

Gone. The memory faded to the back of my mind, leaving only this dirty room.  I should have known to stay away from this place, should have listened to the backwards hicks that populated this town. "Ya shood steer clear of tha entire prop-ty I think" was the general answer I got when asking anything about the 'Old Abigale' place, yet I defied them all, and here I stood. I alone in this rank house, and I alone with the lines of fear written across my face. I had bravely answered this place's call from my dreams, but now I forgot the pride I felt when approaching. This place was evil. Of that I was sure. Without another thought I removed my flashlight and switched it on.

  The walls contained pictures. Presumably of previous inhabitants. As the light hit them I could see the paint on many was fading and cracking away. Father time was done screwing around with this place. Still though, it didn't seem right. I had watched many shows on art and art restoration. 'Biography channel' I dryly thought as I continued exploring the room with my flashlight. The problem was the amount of decay on these pictures. It didn't make any sense. They should be in much better shape than this. The place had only been empty for around 20 years. I couldn't imagine someone with the amount of money needed to own a house like this getting Crayola paintings of his family. If just didn't fit. A image of my daughter pounded it's way into my thoughts. "Daddy?" she asked in her tiny voice "How come my crayon comes off the wall with a cloth?" I had smiled at that, then tried to explain the difference between crayon and paint. In the end though, I had gotten impatient and simply answered that it just does. It didn't matter now. Nothing did except this house. As my light neared the entrance to the next main room I caught the bottom of another picture. A massive painting above the decaying double doors.  Slowly I moved my light upwards revealing more and more of this portrait. It seemed in perfect shape, and I shivered as I looked at it. It depicted a man, normal in every sense save his smile. This smile would send children screaming and make men look away in fear. It was far to big, seeming to stretch halfway up his face, almost to the bottom of his eyes. His teeth, perfectly white seemed to follow the curve of his lips in a smile that put visions of the Cheshire cat in my head. But this man looked familiar. I'm sure I knew this man. Then, my gaze was broken by the sound of my phone ringing. The familiar sound of "The Saints Go Marching In" filled the ghastly room. Quickly, as if embarrassed by it's sheer volume I quickly grabbed and answered.  "Hello?"
"Erik?" a woman's voice questioned back "Where the hell are you?"

" Erks? Where did you go? "

I shook my head to clear the cobwebs then "Hi hun. Don't worry, I'm just..."
"What?" She screamed into the phone "What are you doing Erik? Working? At the pub? Wh..." Her voice stopped. My phone had died. A sense of relief filled me, followed by a sense of dread. I had just changed my battery before driving over here. The phone should be good for a day or two at least. I shook my head and again looked up at that horrible painting.
'How did I get myself into this?' I thought to myself.
De-centrify the beginning of your post O_o
Anyway, begin.

As I moved closer to the front door I knew I should turn and leave.
Already getting a bad feel for your sentence formation. It needs to be either "I should have turn and left" - to follow the tense your speaking in.

This place reeked of an evil that made the hair on my neck not just rise, but seem to want to rip from my skin and run screaming.
Okay, you've stretched the evil scary thing too far at this point. We got it a sentence ago, and now your a broken record.

"One last look around" I said to myself and turned to face the overgrowth that once was a beautiful front yard.
Your ruining the picture with the beautiful front yard. A second ago we got an 'old and forgotten' feel from your graveyard analogy, but somehow it's a well kept lawn? Botched.

'No more, not now' I thought. 'Rotten and useless you have become'.
Just poor and confusing.

For some reason that thought seemed to comfort me.
'For some reason' is one of the worst sentence starts you can possibly come up with in writing as a whole. It's hard to connect with.

Watching the massive weeds swaying back and forth in the wind made this place all the more bearable.
Why? Don't answer me in your next post as a lot of people do, answer it in your freaking writing.

A little normality in this bizarre situation.
Swaying weeds aren't normal for a 'beautiful lawn'.

That was before I made another horrible realization. The weeds were all swaying in different directions, and somehow they were watching me.
'Somehow' they were watching you? Lol. Impossible to connect with - because most people don't look at a weed and thing "omfg it's STARING AT ME".

could feel it. With the grace of a drunken man attempting ballet I spun around, grabbed the door handle, and poured myself into the house
Your a body, not a drink. 'Flung'.

To say this place was spooky was a severe understatement.
Which is a severe cliche, even the use of 'understatement'. It also ruins the feel.

" Erks? " a voice whispered from the darkness " Where did you go? "
No clarification as to if this is memory lane, or really being said.

I even still remembered who it was that called out to me. Chris Barbour. He had been my best friend way back then.
You even still remembered? The word order makes me read it funny.

The memory faded to the back of my mind, leaving only this dirty room.
It would be beneficial to explain why dirty room trumps scary yard. With teh staring weeds *gasp*

asking anything about the 'Old Abigale' place,
Very cliche, both in that he asks around - and that it's called "Old _____ place". VERY cliche.

yet I defied them all, and here I stood.
No one ordered you not to go, and thus you defied no one.

I alone in this rank house, and I alone with the lines of fear written across my face
Rank is borderline slang, if not entirely. Doesn't go with the figurative language you use in the rest of the sentence.

I had bravely answered this place's call from my dreams, but now I forgot the pride I felt when approaching. This place was evil. Of that I was sure. Without another thought I removed my flashlight and switched it on.
Using 'place' too many times now. And this is confusing.

  The walls contained pictures. Presumably of previous inhabitants.

As the light hit them I could see the paint on many was fading and cracking away.
The light of your never-mentioned flashlight?

Father time was done screwing around with this place.
See a few quotes up.

The problem was the amount of decay on these pictures
Cliche is just piling up :(

It didn't make any sense.
Broken record.

. If just didn't fit.

It seemed in perfect shape, and I shivered as I looked at it. It depicted a man, normal in every sense save his smile. This smile would send children screaming and make men look away in fear. It was far to big, seeming to stretch halfway up his face, almost to the bottom of his eyes.
Cliche that there happens to be the one painting still in perfect shape.

But this man looked familiar. I'm sure I knew this man.
Man man man stop saying man.

I shook my head to clear the cobwebs then "Hi hun. Don't worry, I'm just..."
"What?" She screamed into the phone "What are you doing Erik? Working? At the pub? Wh..." Her voice stopped
Lol, his phone just happens to die now? Save the death of his phone to some other force from the house, not being dumb. His wife's reaction was also way over the top especially when he hadn't said a thing.

I had just changed my battery before driving over here. The phone should be good for a day or two at least.

I shook my head and again looked up at that horrible painting. 'How did I get myself into this?' I thought to myself.

Overall, I think it's a poor, cliche beginning. Good stories start not immediatley at the dramatic, scary part - but a somewhat short 'this is where I was before hand'. Even short stories.

And holy crap, it doesn't need to be in bold. Your formatting puts me off reading it all together.

Anyway, good luck =)

Thank you for your opinion.
I knew when I started this it would not be easy, especially for me, who has never written anything except dialouge in a RPG.
I will take your ideas and use them the best I can. You will see them in the next revision. Again, thanks. Your tips should help.

Everyone else, please have a read and voice your thoughts.



I read it and I agree with what surmuck has to say about it.  I found it to be very choppy at times (or maybe it was me just being irritated by the formatting?).  Either way, the structure of the sentences really needs to be cleaned up as surmuck brought out; you use too many pronouns and adjectives that don't really benefit the sentence.  Your use of similies and metaphors always seem out of place as well; I felt like the atmosphere being forced down my throat.

It's also not very clear why you're at this house...I'm not sure if you're just saving that part for later or...?  I like to have at least a slight idea of the protagonists goal or intent...of being in a certain situation or area.  It makes the story that much more real.

I knew when I started this it would not be easy, especially for me, who has never written anything except dialouge in a RPG.
Don't justify or give reason for your mistakes or inadequacies.  Just continue trying to improve, improve, improve.

Good luck!
Thanks. I have edited and re-did the start of this story. Tried to follow some of the guidelines posted above. It's not as long as the original but I think it's improved. (I hope)
More suggestions of course helps loads.

  Erik Lauder lit his smoke with a wooden match from his breast pocket, shook it, then tossed the useless stick into the dirt.
Your trying to hard too make this sentence interesting, and instead it turned out confusing. On a double take, it makes sense - he was lighting his smoke; but because you didn't put the events in the order they happened I had to do that double take. Oh yeah, and there was no reason to state the match was wooden. Although you stated your trying to use the comments me and Rare have given, your clearly not, and are still using useless adjectvies to make you sound like a better writer. Stop.

He shuttered abruptly, and shook it off as fast as it came
Shuddered, not shuttered.
It's time to do this he thought as he slid his thumb upwards to the ON switch.
If your going to use formatting to show what he's thinking, then you have to use it every time - not fade in and out. Also, same unnecesary explanations.

A bird chirped somewhere above him making Erik look skyward.
'Somewhere' ruins sentences, almost all the time. Pretty much anything with some in it.

A strange  colored bird flew past and over the house.
No way?

Erik followed it's flight and finally was again looking at the front door.
Confusing as to where the bird actually went.

A man stood in the doorway and Erik looked at him nervously. "Sir?" the man asked as he moved to the left of the door. "Henry is expecting you." "I imagine he is." Erik said Lamely as he stepped onto the decaying old deck and through the front door.
Learn how to write dialogue correctly, with proper formatting. I have had to explain things like the above way too many times in this forum.

Rest of your story looks alright, besides the fact it implies you siginifcantly altered your plot - and not the way you wrote it out. That implies you never had a stable plot. And that implies you aren't taking this story seriously enough. Really, don't post another short till you have something you can actually stick with till your done.

Good luck,
Don't take it to heart. I found the story to be quite good, and it doesn't sound like you're reading which is always a plus. You share the same writing style as my favorite author Stephen King. Very close. I would bet that you read a lot of his stuff. If you follow the tips left by Surmuck I'd think your story would read like a thesis or something of that sort. That's not a bad thing although it would make a boring read.
Everyone writes in their own way. Your sentance structure is quite good and very descriptive.
Keep it up and don't rely too much on what other people say. If it flows it's good. I can't wait to read some more.

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