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[HK] Judgement Armour (World of Warcraft) WIP

Hey, the Rare-Poster here again

Being an avid World of Warcraft player, I thought I would use the extended down time that the European WoW Servers had on Wednesday to work on my spriting. I've never used the HK Template so I thought I'd give it a try and decided to try and draw an Armour set from the game. The armour set is called the Judgement Armour and (before the expansion in January) was an end-game Healing armour for the Paladin class.

I've already put this up on IRC a few times, getting some people to give me C&C to help improve on it and I thought I'd post it here for all to see and add in their own opinion. It's a fairly messily coloured set, but I don't think I could've done better considering the amount of detail the armour itself requires.


Here's a pic of the set with the helmet and without:
http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/6255 ... notfo8.png[/img]

Comments and Critiques would be greatly appreciated. :) Particularly on the movement frames.


Paladin Tier 2! Although I'm not the best spriter I'll give some comments =P The helm on Judgement isn't skin tight. Ex, your sprite with helm shown, also displays the ears poking out of the out helm part of T2. It's more of a hood so you wouldn't see the ears =P Only thing is making it more lose would prbly take over your shoulders... I think :O

Do you play a paladin by any chance =P I'm a Gnome warrior :O I've made a frontal view also of wrath if you want to see http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/4393/wowtier2warriorx2at7.png You can see that I tried not to make it skin tight but it made me show limited amount of the shoulders =( aka no blades =P

It's pretty cool tho, the armor is looking nice, maybe to dark on the oranges tho =P Good looks tho.
CODEONE;218705 said:
Paladin Tier 2! Although I'm not the best spriter I'll give some comments =P The helm on Judgement isn't skin tight. Ex, your sprite with helm shown, also displays the ears poking out of the out helm part of T2. It's more of a hood so you wouldn't see the ears =P Only thing is making it more lose would prbly take over your shoulders... I think :O

Hey, thanks for the feedback, I see what you mean with how it looks. The major problem I had with it was that the helm would look too big, compared to how it looks in game and in the concepts compared to the shoulders so I wanted to to look as small as possible but I guess I made it look more tight than I did small. I'll work on it.

I see what you did with your helm, too, but I'd rather not lose much/any detail on what - in my opinion - is the best part of the whole set. ;)

I do have a Paladin alt, but it's only lvl 32 and Blood Elf. My main is a Gnome Warlock. ;)

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