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Hillary Clinton (President)

At first I read this in a Magazine (1UP) and took it as a rumor, but from what my mother told me; she heard on the radio that Hilary Cliton is going to run for President (USA). I don't like the idea; mostly cause I'm a Gamer and Hilary Cliton is a Anti-Video Game Rights Person. What do you think?
Hillary Clinton never officially announced she will be running, although both her and Mr. Obama HAVE set up exploratory committees to judge if a campaign run would be a wise choice for them.
Hillary HAS officially announced, keep up with the times semy she did it earlier this week. She isnt terribly experienced in foriegn policy, I wouldnt vote for her husband by proxy and assume she'll do well just by merit of being married to Bill. I mean, look at the current family ties between Bush and his more competent father. He doesnt exactly fall on Bush Senior's every whim and Hillary most certainly wont do that either. She's just 'too safe', it prevents her from taking the kinds of strong stands a good leader needs to take to get a nation out of a war. The novelty of a female or black president is irrelevent when neither has the foreign policy experience we need right now more than anything. So Im voting for experience. Harold Ford would be a much stronger first black president anyhow on merit of experience, and I dont have enough fingers to count the number of women who'd make a better first female president. My point is, putting another foreign policy novice in this time would be a great way for the first female or first black president to also be the last at least for a couple decades. If either happened to be more savvy and experienced than, say, Joe Biden, I'd vote for them. HOWEVER I'd take either candidate over John Edwards who couldnt be more phony if he tried.
Crap, she forgot to forward that memo -.-

Thank you for making me feel like a dumbass, and from now on I wont try to sound smarter than I really am :)

But in all seriousness...I totally agree with everything you said, we need someone who knows what to do before they get into office. And no, I don't mean they have to be stephen hawking or anything...just to be a little more cautious and not dive head first into something that has no guarantee of even a slight margin of victory.
Yeah exactly. I mean I dont get these people who want a relatable normal person in office. I want someone who can make me feel completely inept on any given issue.
macchia;143097 said:
Yeah exactly. I mean I dont get these people who want a relatable normal person in office. I want someone who can make me feel completely inept on any given issue.

Bill Clinton had both in spades...which is why people like him after the fact. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about (unlike Mr.Decider ':|), but he didn't have that slimey Politician shark air about him.

I also like Hillary Clinton as well, and I like what she's done. But I honestly need to do more research than listening to her audiobook to have a good opinion about what she's really about. I'm probably one of the few people who actually like her. I'm not sure why she is so polarizing.

I will say one thing, it's not like any of the experienced veterans are doing a better job w/ Foreign Policy right now, so maybe we need something fresh. Maybe not, but I can see both Clinton and Obama (who I think already is doing so) going with that viewpoint.
Hillary's anti-video game stances are complete pandering. It's just her throwing a bone to cultural conservatives while trying to establish a moderate overall stance. She blows a lot of smoke, but nothing will happen. Joe Lieberman, another hard-ass on this subject, has been going on about this for at least a decade and all that ever happened from it was the ESRB ratings. It's all bark and no bite, trust me on that.

As for her as President, she is qualified and she is very smart, but I don't see her winning the general election. John McCain or Rudy Guliani would destroy her. Her problem is that she's just so fake...so obviously calculating. Likeability shouldn't really be a factor in who becomes President, but in reality it is. No escaping that. Personally, I think Bill Richardson is the ideal candidate, but he's very much an underdog at the moment.

I also am a bit worried about this sort of dynasty politics. If she wins, the last four presidents will have been Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. We just need a new voice in charge. Still, if she wins the primary and gets the nomination, I'll support her. You won't see me voting Republican for a long time after all the shit they've pulled.
Rudy's a shoe-in if he gets past the primaries. He's the most leftwing politician I can think of, so Im not sure if his completely cosmetic republican label would be a liability or an asset in a nation of idiots who vote for labels before policy.
Too many people don't like Hillary. She has an advantage because she's a Democrat, but there are so many people who just hate her. Obama is more likable, but he has a really unfortunate name. I think either of them or both of them would do really well as president but they'd also both be hard to actually get into office because of how stupid and bigoted people are (also Diebold, fraud, conspiracy, tinfoil hat, etc).
This has practically no effect on me, but it would have been nice if Condalezza had been running (which i gather she isn't), simply because it breaks two barriers at once.
McCain is the one with the odd (to me) immigration stance right? If so, hell no. That guy can stay away from any position of national power.

EDIT: I guess he's not. There was some guy with a similar name...and he was totally out there.
I heard Fox's hate campaign was backed by Hillary Clinton's team. Which would make things interesting (dirty). I'd think it's kinda early for that nonsense, but I guess not.
I laugh because theres a snap poll that went around when Hillary decided to run, the whole "I'm in" thing... and being in NYC and seeing the poll go around, I expected her to be praised, and while, true most people were happy to see her run, most did not want her to win. They merely wanted her to try to be the first woman president, and fail... allowing someone else to run afterwards and win instead. When another went around about Rudy Guliani vs. Clinton, Rudy won the poll (these were unscientific NY1 snap polls conducted using the remote control of a person's cable to answer the poll with one of three options).

Unless someone I truly thought would go around killing babies by sticking them on spikes went to run, I doubt I'd vote for her, myself.
If Richardson becomes president, you can say good-bye to our immigration policy and hello to amnesty for illegal aliens.

It seems to me that some people just want a woman, black person, or Latino to run so that we have one of these groups in office for the first time. Actual political skills be damned.

This goes without saying, but just in case it doesn't, people should vote based on the issues and the candidates skills and integrity, not based on the color of their skin or their lack of testicles.

With that said, Richardson has the most foreign policy experience of all three, being a former UN ambassador. Clinton is just riding her husband's coat tails (IMHO), and as far as the domestic front is concerned, Obama is our man.
Myonosken;143286 said:
Saying that, I would love to see Obama become President, if just to spite that minority of Americans who are still bigoted idiots. I do think that he may have it in him to run a country, in comparison to Hilary, as he is the more "Blair-Like" of the two, ie: he has a very slick media campaign backing him and does appear to offer a new style of presidency to the increasingly disillusioned electorate in the US. Fox's hate campaign (And that's what it is. They are lucky they aren't currently being sued) is doing very little to stop him as well. Sure, its rallying those who were against him, but its pushing the general populace even further away from their ideology. You have to say though, not one word in "Barack Hussein Obama" does him any favours.

His lack of experience could be seen as refreshing. Politicians suck. Honestly though, he's got some good stuff going on. He's charismatic, a great speaker, and comes across as honest. It makes him so likable. His ideas aren't half bad either.
Junk-Man;143364 said:
If Richardson becomes president, you can say good-bye to our immigration policy and hello to amnesty for illegal aliens.

That's a fairly absurd oversimplification. Even if Richardson was foolish enough to try and grant a blanket amnesty bill of all illegal aliens, it would still have to get through Congress and the Senate. Still, if he does well in the race, I expect to hear that concern voiced on Fox News loudly and frequently without much thought to its actual feasibility.

I don't really care that he's Latino, though it will help him in the general election because the Hispanic and Latino population is only growing, and yes that includes legal citizens with the right to vote. I think his strength comes from his experience, which you mentioned, but he also is quite engaging and has a good sense of humor (judging from his appearances on Bill Maher's HBO show). Still, it's unlikely that he will emerge ahead of Hillary, Obama or Edwards, and out of those three I like Obama best.

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