What can I say, this game is so damn fun to me I keep coming back to play it... must be the 10th time I'm starting it up now (demos included), with multiple playthroughs every time. I gotta say you got the drifting mechanics done pretty good, even though I personally like to powerslide through corners rather than drift... it's a tad faster, since you keep the speed at 164mph
I had a nice run the other day when I managed to win it without hitting the walls a single time, and taking every corner quite nicely... that would've made for an awesome promotional video, but yeah... would've had to think about that :p
Not a big surprise one of the votes for your game is from me. :grin:
My main requests to make this better (that's for after you winning the license, that is
- coin chip-in on the title screen - it's just missing for the already so well-established arcade feel
- a faster way to get back into the race when finished
- maybe extend the checkpoints a bit... I found myself driving through there with uncompleted laps time and time again, while not doing anything noteably wrong... or maybe you could post a screen of where they are? ^^
- definately a round timer... then you'll even get your video from me :grin:
- after you finish the race, your car should drive towards a certain waypoint, not just drive straight and therefore into a wall half the time
- when the opponent stops racing (either because you die or because you lose), he shouldn't just stop, but roll out
Yeah, that should give you a bunch of stuff to do XD I'd definately like to see this stay alive and maybe further developed... if you can't leave it where it is right now, I'd offer you to host this on my webserver (in Germany, high performance connection, no speed limit, but I can't offer you FTP access to it for security reasons) for an unrestricted amount of time!