Hi guys! I've been browsing this site for who knows how long. Figure I should finally get myself an account. xD
Better late then never, right?
Anywho, I like creating graphics for games, and I hope to learn pixel art down the road. (I'm such a newb when it comes to that xD). At one point I tried my hands in creating games with RMXP and RMVX, but I never finished anything worthwhile. I have more fun creating graphics for said games than actually making them. xD
But I'm not giving up creating my dream game just yet! Currently, I'm working on a very ambitious project with 100% custom graphics. I'll probably be old and wrinkly by the time I'm finished. xD
So yeah. That's a little bit about myself.
I hope that I can learn a lot from this community. I've learned a lot from this site already, and hope to learn more.
Better late then never, right?
Anywho, I like creating graphics for games, and I hope to learn pixel art down the road. (I'm such a newb when it comes to that xD). At one point I tried my hands in creating games with RMXP and RMVX, but I never finished anything worthwhile. I have more fun creating graphics for said games than actually making them. xD
But I'm not giving up creating my dream game just yet! Currently, I'm working on a very ambitious project with 100% custom graphics. I'll probably be old and wrinkly by the time I'm finished. xD
So yeah. That's a little bit about myself.