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Hero Complete Passibility

Can somebody make a script where the hero of the party has complete passability over all maps.

The reason I want this is so that the Hero has complete passibility while the tileset itself retains its passibility features for other events.

So the hero can walk through everything while other events still can't walk through trees and other stuff (and to be able to use pathfinding correctly)

sorry but thats for an event
i am asking for the hero to be able to move, and pass through everything

while other events can't walk through stuff

so basically the events follow the tileset passibility
while the hero defys the tileset passibility and has complete navigation through the whole map
really? i'll try that and see if it works

it works! but theres still a problem
setting the player on through causes events to not recognize Player Touch or Event Touch...

i'm surprised with these fast replys :D



You could make another tileset entry in the database with the same tileset and autotiles, but all passable, and use Advocate's tileset swapping script.

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