Authors: Heretic
Version: 1.2
Type: Misc Add-on
This script will allow you to create a Magic Compass that points at either a Map Coordinates or an Event. Its called a Magic Compass because normal compasses only point North. This one points at a location Magically!
- Very easy to Install and Use
Should have a very high degree of compatability
Can point the Compass at any set of X and Y coordinates
Can point the Compass at an Event, even while it is moving around
Compass won't point at an Event that is Erased or doesn't have an Active Page
Can point at a set of X and Y coordinates that are off the current Map
Doesn't glitch when you go to Menu, unlike other Compass Scripts or Event Solutions
Uses a Background and Needle Image and positions these things for you!
Configuration Options can be altered during Gameplay
Limburger Cheese is really stinky but very tasty
Does anyone read this stuff?
No dependancies on other Scripts

The compass is in the Bottom Right corner. It updates dynamically as you move about.
Demo ... ssDemo.exe
Place above Main and below Scene_Debug. Anywhere else should be fine in theory. If there are any problems, try moving this script closer to Main as some scripts replace methods that are aliased in this script.
I wrote a Looping Maps script, which is up over at, and if you use that Script, place Magic Compass below Looping Maps.
# Version 1.2
# Wednesday, May 6th, 2015
# ----- Overview -----
# This script will allow you to create a Magic Compass that points at either
# a Map Coordinates or an Event. Its called a Magic Compass because normal
# compasses only point North. This one points at a location Magically!
# ----- Features -----
# - Very easy to install and use
# - Should be highly compatible
# - No dependancies on other Scripts
# - Can point the Compass at any set of X and Y coordinates
# - Can point the Compass at an Event, even while it is moving around
# - Can point at a set of X and Y coordinates that are off the current Map
# - Doesn't glitch when you go to Menu, unlike other Compass Scripts
# - Uses a Background and Needle Image and positions these things for you
# - Configuration Options can be altered during gameplay
# - Limburger Cheese is really stinky but tasty
# - Does anyone read this stuff?
# ----- Version History -----
# Version 1.2 - Wednesday, May 6th, 2015
# - Fixed a bug where Tone did not match Screen Tone on Initialize
# Version 1.1 - Thursday, April 30th, 2015
# - Updated to work with Looping Maps
# * Compass will point at the closest possible distance to a Target
# Version 1.0 - Friday, December 26th, 2014
# - Initial Release
# ----- Instructions -----
# There are a few very simple script calls. Put these in Event -> Script
# $game_system.enable_compass = true / false
# * set to true or false to Show or Hide the Compass
# set_compass_map_target(x, y)
# * Sets the Compass to point at a Map X and Y Location (off map is a-okay)
# set_compass_event_target(target)
# * Sets the Compass to point at an Event or Event ID (either is fine)
# clear_compass_target
# * Clears Map Location and Target Event and causes Needle to float to North
# ----- Conditional Branch Scripts -----
# Put these in Event -> Conditional Branch -> Script
# enable_compass?
# * returns True or False if the Compass is Enabled
# can_point_compass?
# * returns True or False if the Compass will Point at a Target
# * returns False if an Event is Erased or doesn't have an Active Page or
# the Compass doesn't have a Map Target
# valid_compass_target?
# * NOTE: This must be run on an Event (recommended for Advanced Users)
# * $[@event_id].valid_compass_target?
# * returns True or False if the Event ID is not Erased and Page is Active
# ----- Usage -----
# Once you have a Compass displayed on your screen, it will remain there
# until you call "enable_compass = false".
# The Compass Target will be erased when you change maps. Transfer Player
# on the same map will not erase the Compass Target however.
# If you set a Compass Target to an Event, the Event can not be erased
# and must have an active Page. For example, you have an Event with
# just one Page, and that Page has a Page Condition that is not met, such
# as a Game Switch that is not set to On, then the Compass will not
# point at that Event.
# If an Event is Erased or Page Conditions are not met while your Compass
# is displaying, the Compass will simply slowly float back to Due North.
# ----- Limitations -----
# The only Limitation I can think of is that this script in its current state
# probably won't work with Looping Map Scripts. I may take a crack at
# changing this if I ever get around to working on a Looping Map Script
# for RPG Maker XP.
# This has been fixed in Version 1.1 so the compass will consider the size
# of the map and point the shortest distance to your Compass Target.
# ----- Legal -----
# You may use this script in commercial products without permission, provided
# that I am credited for the usage of this script. You may redistribute this
# script on any websites. You may translate this script, provided that I am
# retained as the original author. You may make reasonable alterations
# to this script to suit your needs.
# You may NOT sell this script.
# You may NOT claim this script to be your property or intellectual work.
# ----- Layman Legal -----
# This script is supposed to be free. Just credit me if you use it in
# any sort of commercial stuff.
# ----- Configuration Options -----
# There are a number of Configuration Options so that you can customize this
# script to suit your needs. The Configuration Options establish default
# values, and can be changed during gameplay. Recommended for advanced
# users, but basically, all the Configuration Options are stored in
# your $game_system.
# COMPASS_X and COMPASS_Y are the On Screen Position for your Compass
# COMPASS_ZOOM will resize an image without the need to edit the images you
# use in an editor. I've found that zooming out looks just a bit better
# than 100% sized images while rotating.
# COMPASS_BACK_OPACITY allows you to make the Compass Background Image
# slightly transparent so it does not fully obstruct a Player's view
# of the current Map.
# COMPASS_HUD_Z is used to put the Compass on top of other Pictures or
# put the Compass below other Pictures. Up to you.
# COMPASS_SCREEN_TONE is used to match the Tone of the Compass Images
# to the Screen Tone. This is useful if you fade to black and still have
# the Compass displayed during a Map Change. If you want the compass
# to display even when the screen changes Tone, then set this value
# to False.
# Compass Background Graphic for Player's Compass (Use "" for No Picture)
COMPASS_BACK_GRAPHIC = "Compass Back.png"
# Compass Graphic for Player's Compass (Use "" for No Picture)
COMPASS_NEEDLE_GRAPHIC = "Compass Needle.png"
# Screen Position of Compass (this will change depening on Picture Size)
# Adjust Compass Size for both Graphics (Smaller Grpahics rotate a bit better)
# Makes the Background Image of the Compass Transparent
# Compass Hud Z-Index - Use -1 for below Pictures and 100+ for above Pictures
# Make the Compass have a tone Consistent with the Game Screen (true / false)
# ** Game_System
class Game_System
# * Public Instance Variables - Game_System
attr_reader :enable_compass # Display On Screen Compass
attr_accessor :compass_back # Compass Back Graphic Default
attr_accessor :compass_needle # Compass Needle Graphic Default
attr_accessor :compass_x # Compass Screen X Position
attr_accessor :compass_y # Compass Screen Y Position
attr_accessor :compass_zoom # Zoom of Compass Pictures
attr_accessor :compass_screen_tone # Match Compass Tone to Screen Tone
attr_accessor :compass_back_opacity # Opacity of Compass Background
attr_accessor :compass_target_x # Map X Target Location
attr_accessor :compass_target_y # Map Y Target Location
attr_accessor :compass_target_event_id # Map Target Event
# * Game System Initialization - Game_System
# - Default Values for when Compass is changed to Enabled
# - Adjusting values in Game System will not affect an existing Compass
alias compass_game_system_initialize initialize unless $@
def initialize
# Call Original or other Aliases
# Enable or Disable display of Compass
@enable_compass = false
# Compass Image Filenames (from Pictures folder)
@compass_back = COMPASS_BACK_GRAPHIC
@compass_needle = COMPASS_NEEDLE_GRAPHIC
# Default Screen Position of Compass Graphics
@compass_x = COMPASS_X
@compass_y = COMPASS_Y
# Default Zoom Level of Compass Graphics
@compass_zoom = COMPASS_ZOOM
# Default Opacity of a Compass Background Picture
@compass_back_opacity = COMPASS_BACK_OPACITY
# Default Match the two Compass Pictures Tone to the Screen Tone for Effect
@compass_screen_tone = COMPASS_SCREEN_TONE
# Map Coordinates for Compass to point at
@compass_target_x = nil
@compass_target_y = nil
# Event for Compass to point at dynamically
@compass_target_event_id = nil
# * Enable Compass= (Setter Method) - Game_System
# - Enables the Compass and creates if needed
# - If called from a Common Event while in a Menu or other Scene, then
# the Compass Graphics will be created when you return to the Map.
def enable_compass=(value)
# Check Value
return unless [true, false].include?(value)
# If True
if value == true
# If the Player's Compass doesn't exist and not a Common Event to change
if not $game_player.compass
# Create new Compass Object for Player
$game_player.compass =
# Position the Compass Object on the Screen
# Store the Value
@enable_compass = value
# * Set Compass Map Target - Game_System
# - Sets the Target of the Compass to Map Coordinates, even off map
# x : x-coordinate of Map
# y : y-coordinate of Map
def set_compass_map_target(x, y)
# Clears Event Target ID
@compass_target_event_id = nil
# Sets a Map Location as a Target
@compass_target_x = x
@compass_target_y = y
# * Set Compass Event Target - Game_System
# - Sets the Target of the Compass to an Event
# target : Event or Number
def set_compass_event_target(target)
# Clears Map Location as a Target
@compass_target_x = nil
@compass_target_y = nil
# If Target is a Character
if target.is_a?(Game_Event)
# Just use the Event's ID
@compass_target_event_id =
# Elsif the Target is a Number
elsif target.is_a?(Numeric)
# Set the Numeric Value of Target
@compass_target_event_id = target
# * Clear Compass Target - Game_System
# - Clears the Compass Target
def clear_compass_target
# Clears Needle Angle of Picture
$game_player.compass.needle_angle = nil if $game_player.compass
# Clears Map Location as a Target
@compass_target_x = nil
@compass_target_y = nil
# Clears Event Target ID
@compass_target_event_id = nil
# ** Game_Map
class Game_Map
# * Setup - Game_Map
# - Clears Compass Targets on Map Change
# - Transferring the Player on the same Map will retain Targets
# map_id : map ID
alias compass_map_setup setup unless $@
def setup(map_id)
# If a Compass is being dislayed and Target is an Event
if $game_system.enable_compass and $game_system.compass_target_event_id or
($game_system.compass_target_x and $game_system.compass_target_y)
# If Map Change
if @map and @map_id > 0 and @map_id != map_id
# Clear Compass Target (Event and Map Location)
# Call Original or other Aliases
# ** Compass_Picture
class Compass_Picture < Game_Picture
# * Public Instance Variables - Compass_Picture
attr_accessor :number # Picture Number and Z-Index
attr_accessor :name # Picture Filename in Pictures Folder
attr_accessor :origin # 0 Top Left - 1 Center (Default)
attr_accessor :x # x-coordinate
attr_accessor :y # y-coordinate
attr_accessor :zoom_x # x directional zoom rate
attr_accessor :zoom_y # y directional zoom rate
attr_accessor :opacity # opacity level
attr_accessor :blend_type # blend method
attr_accessor :tone # color tone
attr_accessor :angle # rotation angle
attr_accessor :angle_target # target of angle rotation
attr_accessor :angle_duration # duration of angle rotation
attr_accessor :rotate_speed # repeating rotation
# * Object Initialization - Compass_Picture
# number : picture number
# type : background or needle
# - Creates the Pictures used for the Compass to add to Spriteset Map
# - Uses stored values from Game System to allow change during Gameplay
# - Changes to Game System do not affect existing Compass
# - Other methods available to Game_Picture are still available
def initialize(number, type)
@number = number
@name = ""
@type = type
@origin = 1
@x = 0.0
@y = 0.0
@zoom_x = $game_system.compass_zoom
@zoom_y = $game_system.compass_zoom
@opacity = (type == :back) ? $game_system.compass_back_opacity : 255.0
@blend_type = 0
@duration = 0
@target_x = @x
@target_y = @y
@target_zoom_x = @zoom_x
@target_zoom_y = @zoom_y
@target_opacity = @opacity
# If Config to match Screen Tone
if $game_system.compass_screen_tone
# Set Picture Tone to the Tone of the Screen
@tone = $game_screen.tone
# Default Tone
@tone =, 0, 0, 0)
@tone_target = @tone.clone
@tone_duration = 0
@angle = 0
@angle_target = @angle
@angle_duration = 0
@rotate_speed = 0
# * Frame Update - Compass_Picture
# - Replaces Game_Picture Update of Super Class so only updates Rotation
# - Updates Transitions for X, Y, Zoom_X, Zoom_Y, Opacity, and Tone
# - Updates Transition for Angle
# - Similar to Game_Picture Update method but allows Rotation Transition
def update
if @duration >= 1
d = @duration
@x = (@x * (d - 1) + @target_x) / d
@y = (@y * (d - 1) + @target_y) / d
@zoom_x = (@zoom_x * (d - 1) + @target_zoom_x) / d
@zoom_y = (@zoom_y * (d - 1) + @target_zoom_y) / d
@opacity = (@opacity * (d - 1) + @target_opacity) / d
@duration -= 1
if @tone_duration >= 1
d = @tone_duration = ( * (d - 1) + / d = ( * (d - 1) + / d = ( * (d - 1) + / d
@tone.gray = (@tone.gray * (d - 1) + @tone_target.gray) / d
@tone_duration -= 1
if @angle_duration == 0 and @rotate_speed != 0
@angle += @rotate_speed / 2.0
elsif @angle_duration >= 1
d = @angle_duration
@angle = (@angle * (d - 1) + @angle_target) / d
@angle_duration -= 1
if @angle < 0 or @angle > 360
while @angle < 0 or @angle > 360
@angle += (@angle < 360 ? 360 : -360)
@angle %= 360
# ** Scene_Map
class Scene_Map
# * Compass Map Spriteset - Scene_Map
# - Just returns the Spriteset Map
def compass_map_spriteset
# ** Spriteset_Map
class Spriteset_Map
# * Public Instance Variables - Spriteset_Map
attr_reader :compass_back_picture # Compass Picture for Background
attr_reader :compass_needle_picture # Compass Picture for Needle
attr_reader :compass_back_sprite # Picture Sprite for Compass
attr_reader :compass_needle_sprite # Picture Sprite for Compass
# * Add Compass - Spriteset_Map
# compass : Game_Compass
# - Uses number as a way to control the Z-Index
def add_compass
# If the Compass Background Sprite does not already exist
if @compass_back_sprite.nil?
# Set the HUD's Z-Index as number from the Constant in Config
number = COMPASS_HUD_Z
# Create a Compass Picture for the Compass Background (type = :back)
@compass_back_picture =, :back)
# Set the Picture Name from the Compass Object (refer to $game_system) = $game_system.compass_back
# Shorthand
b = @compass_back_picture
# Create the Sprite for the Compass Background Picture
@compass_back_sprite =, b)
# If the Compass Needle Sprite does not already exist
if @compass_needle_sprite.nil?
# Set the HUD's Z-Index as number from the Constant in Config
number = COMPASS_HUD_Z
# Create a Compass Picture for the Compass Needle
@compass_needle_picture =, :needle)
# If the Compass has a stored Needle Angle
if not $game_player.compass.needle_angle.nil?
# Set the Needle Angle before setting the Name or creating Sprite
@compass_needle_picture.angle = $game_player.compass.needle_angle
# Set the Picture Name from the Compass Object (refer to $game_system) = $game_system.compass_needle
# Shorthand
n = @compass_needle_picture
# Create the Sprite for the Compass Needle Picture
@compass_needle_sprite =, n)
# Position Compass Internally
# * Position Compass - Spriteset_Map
# - Positions the Compass Pictures and Sprites internally
def position_compass
# Shorthand - Same as Position Compass called Internally
back_picture = @compass_back_picture
needle_picture = @compass_needle_picture
back_sprite = @compass_back_sprite
needle_sprite = @compass_needle_sprite
# Determine X Value as 1/2 of Larger Sprite
if back_sprite.bitmap.width > needle_sprite.bitmap.width
# Use the Centered Bitmap Width of the Background Sprite
sprite_x = back_sprite.bitmap.width / 2
# Use the Centered Bitmap Width of the Needle Sprite
sprite_x = needle_sprite.bitmap.width / 2
# Determine Y Value as 1/2 of Larger Sprite
if back_sprite.bitmap.height > needle_sprite.bitmap.height
# Use the Centered Bitmap Height of the Background Sprite
sprite_y = back_sprite.bitmap.height / 2
# Use the Centered Bitmap Height of the Needle Sprite
sprite_y = needle_sprite.bitmap.height / 2
# Position the Background Picture
back_picture.x = $game_player.compass.x + sprite_x
back_picture.y = $game_player.compass.y + sprite_y
# Position the Needle Picture
needle_picture.x = $game_player.compass.x + sprite_x
needle_picture.y = $game_player.compass.y + sprite_y
# * Compass Sprite Update - Spriteset_Map
# - Alias of Main Sprite Update Method
# - Checks for Missing Compass Sprites on Scene Change (Menu)
alias compass_sprite_update update unless $@
def update
# If the Compass Option is Enabled
if $game_system.enable_compass
# If the Compass Background or Compass Needle Sprites dont exist
if @compass_back_sprite.nil? or @compass_back_picture.nil?
# Create new Compass Object for Player unless it exists
$game_player.compass = unless $game_player.compass
# Add the Pictures and Sprites to Spriteset Map Object
# Update the Compass Pictures
# Update the Compass Sprites with values from Pictures
elsif @compass_back_sprite
# Dispose of the Sprite and set the object to nil
@compass_back_sprite = nil
# If Needle Sprite exists
if @compass_needle_sprite
# Dispose of Needle Sprite and set the object to nil
@compass_needle_sprite = nil
# Dispose of the Pictures
@compass_back_picture = nil
@compass_needle_picture = nil
# Call Original or other Aliases
# * Dispose - Spriteset Map
# - Disposes of Compass Images and Sprites for their Bitmaps (memory leak)
alias compass_spriteset_dispose dispose
def dispose
# Dispose of the Sprites and Bitmaps
@compass_back_sprite.dispose if @compass_back_sprite
@compass_needle_sprite.dispose if @compass_needle_sprite
# Set Values to nil
@compass_back_sprite = nil if @compass_back_sprite
@compass_needle_sprite = nil if @compass_needle_sprite
# Call Original or other Aliases
# ** Game_Character
class Game_Character
# * Object Initialization - Game_Character
# - Add Values before calling Original or other Aliases before Update
alias compass_character_initialize initialize unless $@
def initialize
# If Player is Initialized by the Character Class (Super)
if self.is_a?(Game_Player)
# Placeholder for Game_Compass Object as a Picture
@compass = nil
# Call Original or other Aliases
# ** Game_Compass
class Game_Compass
# * Public Instance Variables - Game_Compass
attr_accessor :x # Position of Compass on Screen
attr_accessor :y # Position of Compass on Screen
attr_accessor :needle_angle # Angle of Compass Needle
# * Object Initialization - Game_Compass
# - Container in Game_Player for the Pictures
def initialize
# Position of Compass on Screen
@x = $game_system.compass_x
@y = $game_system.compass_y
# Angle of the Compass Needle
@needle_angle = nil
# * Back Sprite - Game_Compass
# - Returns the Spriteset Map Compass Background Sprite
def back_sprite
# * Needle Sprite - Game_Compass
# - Returns the Spriteset Map Compass Background Sprite
def needle_sprite
# * Back Picture - Game_Compass
# - Returns the Spriteset Map Compass Background Picture
def back_picture
# * Needle Picture - Game_Compass
# - Returns the Spriteset Map Compass Needle Picture
def needle_picture
# * Compass Target Distance - Game_Compass
# - Returns Array of Distances between Player and Target Coordinates
# - Made into a Method because this is where Looping Map Scripts will
# become Incompatible, so one method to fix things hopefully.
# target_x : Map Target X Coordinate
# target_y : Map Target Y Coordinate
def compass_target_distance(target_x, target_y)
# Distance in Real Values between Player and Target
x_dist = (target_x - $game_player.real_x) * 1.0
y_dist = (target_y - $game_player.real_y) * 1.0
# Return the X and Y Distances as an Array
return [x_dist, y_dist]
# If Heretic's Loop Maps is installed
if Game_Map.method_defined?(:map_loop_passable?)
# * Compass Target Distance - Game_Compass (for Loop Maps)
# - Required by Trig function to determine Radian Tangent value for Angle
# - Returns Array of Distances between Player and Target Coordinates
# - Made into a Method because this is where Looping Map Scripts will
# become Incompatible, so one method to fix things hopefully.
# target_x : Map Target X Coordinate
# target_y : Map Target Y Coordinate
alias loop_map_compass_target_distance compass_target_distance unless $@
def compass_target_distance(target_x, target_y)
# Get difference in target coordinates from original method
dx, dy = loop_map_compass_target_distance(target_x, target_y)
# If Map Loops Horizontal and Distance is more than Half the Map (128 / 2)
if $game_map.loop_horizontal? and dx.abs > $game_map.width * 64
# Adjust X Distance for Horizontal Looping Map
dx += (dx < 0) ? $game_map.width * 128 : -$game_map.width * 128
# If Map Loops Vertical and Distance is more than Half the Map (128 / 2)
if $game_map.loop_vertical? and dy.abs > $game_map.height * 64
# Adjust X Distance for Vertical Looping Map
dy += (dy < 0) ? $game_map.height * 128 : -$game_map.height * 128
# Return Adjusted Difference X and Y values as Array for Looping Maps
return [dx, dy]
end # End Optional Alias Definition
# * Update (frame) - Game_Compass
# - Points the Compass at Target Location or Event
def update
# If Option to keep the Compass Tone same as the Screen
if $game_system.compass_screen_tone
# Set the Tone for the Two Images if visible
back_picture.tone = $game_screen.tone if != ""
needle_picture.tone = $game_screen.tone if != ""
# Shorthand
target_id = $game_system.compass_target_event_id
# If Compass is set to use an Event as a Target and Target is Valid
if target_id and $[target_id] and
# Get the Event from the Game Map
target_event = $[$game_system.compass_target_event_id]
# Set Target X and Y
target_x = target_event.real_x * 1.0
target_y = target_event.real_y * 1.0
# If Target Coordinates are a Map Location
elsif $game_system.compass_target_x and $game_system.compass_target_y
# Set the Target Coordintates for Real X and Y values
target_x = $game_system.compass_target_x * 128.0
target_y = $game_system.compass_target_y * 128.0
# If Target Coordinates for Compass
if target_x and target_y
# X and Y Distance between the Player and Target
x, y = compass_target_distance(target_x, target_y)
# Clear Angle Transitions
needle_picture.angle_target = 0
needle_picture.angle_duration = 0
# If Coordinate Match and not Rotating
if x == 0 and y == 0 and needle_picture.rotate_speed == 0
# Spin the Needle
needle_picture.rotate(needle_picture.angle > 180 ? -30 : 30)
# If Same X Position
if x == 0 and y != 0
# Clear repeating Rotation
# Set Needle Picture to Up or Down
#needle_picture.angle = (target_y < $game_player.real_y ? 0 : 180)
needle_picture.angle = (y < 0 ? 0 : 180)
# If Same Y Position
elsif y == 0 and x != 0
# Clear repeating Rotation
# Set Needle Picture to Left or Right
needle_picture.angle = (x < 0 ? 90 : 270)
# Use Trig to determine Angle of Sprite
elsif x != 0 and y != 0
# Clear repeating Rotation
# Trig to determine Angle (-180 used to point with the top of picture)
needle_picture.angle = (Math::atan2(x,y)*180.0/Math::PI).round - 180
# Store the Needle Angle for Scene Changes (Menu)
@needle_angle = needle_picture.angle
# No Compass Target
elsif needle_picture.angle != 0 and needle_picture.angle_duration == 0
# Clear repeating Rotation
# Set the Needle Angle between 0 and 360
if needle_picture.angle < 0 or needle_picture.angle > 360
while needle_picture.angle < 0 or needle_picture.angle > 360
needle_picture.angle += (needle_picture.angle < 360 ? 360 : -360)
needle_picture.angle %= 360
# Angle
a = needle_picture.angle
# Use a Transition to move the Needle to 0 at 0.5 Degrees per Frame
needle_picture.angle_target = (a > 180 ? 360.0 : 0.0)
needle_picture.angle_duration = (a > 180 ? (a - 180) * 2 : a * 2)
# * Position Compass - Game_Compass
# - Positions the Compass on the Screen and centers the Compass Images
# within this Container
def position_compass
# Make sure the Sprites for the Compass exist in Spriteset Map
# Determine X Value as 1/2 of Larger Sprite
if back_sprite.bitmap.width > needle_sprite.bitmap.width
# Use the Centered Bitmap Width of the Background Sprite
@sprite_x = back_sprite.bitmap.width / 2
# Use the Centered Bitmap Width of the Needle Sprite
@sprite_x = needle_sprite.bitmap.width / 2
# Determine Y Value as 1/2 of Larger Sprite
if back_sprite.bitmap.height > needle_sprite.bitmap.height
# Use the Centered Bitmap Height of the Background Sprite
@sprite_y = back_sprite.bitmap.height / 2
# Use the Centered Bitmap Height of the Needle Sprite
@sprite_y = needle_sprite.bitmap.height / 2
# Position the Background Picture
back_picture.x = @x + @sprite_x
back_picture.y = @y + @sprite_y
# Position the Needle Picture
needle_picture.x = @x + @sprite_x
needle_picture.y = @y + @sprite_y
# ** Game_Player
class Game_Player < Game_Character
# * Public Instance Variables - Game_Player
attr_accessor :compass # Compass Object for Player
# * Update - Game_Player
# - Updates the Player's Compass
alias player_compass_update update unless $@
def update
# Call Original or other Aliases
# If Player has a Compass
if $game_system.enable_compass and $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
# If the Compass Picture doesn't exist
if @compass.nil?
# Create the new Game Compass
@compass =
# Position the Compass on the Screen
# Update the Compass Picture Sprites from within the Object
# Compass is Disabled but Compass exists
elsif @compass
# Clear the Compass ojbect
@compass = nil
# ** Game_Event
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# * Valid Compass Target? - Game_Event
# - Valid Compass Targets should have an Active Page and are not Erased
def valid_compass_target?
return (not @erased and not @page.nil?)
# ** Interpreter
class Interpreter
# * Set Compass Map Target - Interpreter
# - Sets the Target of the Compass to Map Coordinates, even off map
# x : x-coordinate of Map
# y : y-coordinate of Map
def set_compass_map_target(x, y)
# Pass the Arguments along to the Game System method
$game_system.set_compass_map_target(x, y)
# * Set Compass Event Target - Interpreter
# - Sets the Target of the Compass to an Event
# target : Event or Event ID
def set_compass_event_target(target)
# Pass the Arguments along to the Game System method
# * Clear Compass Target - Interpreter
# - Clears the Compass Target
def clear_compass_target
# Call the method in Game System
# * Enable Compass? - Interpreter (Setter Method)
# - Returns True or False from the Game System
def enable_compass?
return ($game_system.enable_compass == true)
# * Can Point Compass? - Interpreter
# - Checks if the Compass has a Target that will cause it to Point
def can_point_compass?
# Shorthand for Game System
s = $game_system
# If Compass has a Target
if (s.compass_target_x and s.compass_target_y) or
(s.compass_target_event_id and
$[s.compass_target_event_id] and
# Compass will point at a Target
return true
# Default - Needed for Event Conditional Branch -> Script Evaluation
return false
# ** Scene_Load
class Scene_Load < Scene_File
# * Read Save Data - Scene_Load
# file : file object for reading (opened)
# - Checks for Uninitialized Values that Crash Savegames
alias compass_read_save_data read_save_data unless $@
def read_save_data(file)
# Call Original or other Aliases
# Set Game System Compass to False for later Evaluation in Script Calls
$game_system.enable_compass = false if $game_system.enable_compass.nil?
# If Game System Compass Filenames are nil
if $game_system.compass_back.nil?
# Initialize from the Constant Value
$game_system.compass_back = COMPASS_BACK_GRAPHIC
# If Game System Compass Filenames are nil
if $game_system.compass_needle.nil?
# Initialize from the Constant Value
$game_system.compass_needle = COMPASS_NEEDLE_GRAPHIC
# If Game System Compass Background Opacity is
if $game_system.compass_back_opacity.nil?
# Initialize from the Constant Value
$game_system.compass_back_opacity = COMPASS_BACK_OPACITY
# If Game System Compass Screen Tone value not set
if $game_system.compass_screen_tone.nil?
# Initialize from the Constant Value
$game_system.compass_screen_tone = (COMPASS_SCREEN_TONE) ? true : false
# If Game System Zoom is nil?
$game_system.compass_zoom = COMPASS_ZOOM if $game_system.compass_zoom.nil?
# If Game System Compass X or Y are nil?
$game_system.compass_x = COMPASS_X if $game_system.compass_x.nil?
$game_system.compass_y = COMPASS_Y if $game_system.compass_y.nil?
This script is quite easy to use.
Once installed somewhere above main, you can mess with the Options if you'd like.
To display the Compass, run a Script $game_system.enable_compass = true
To hide the Compass, run a Script $game_system.enable_compass = false
NOTE: I ran into some issues with the game hanging because of an Interpreter Bug. You can use Zeriab's command_355 fix to take care of the issue, or put another line in your script that says "return true". The command_355 fix is really the way to go.
Now that your Compass is shown, it needs a Target to point at! Just three important script calls.
- set_compass_map_target(x, y) # Use for a Map Location (offscreen is fine)
- set_compass_event_target(event_id) # Use to point the Compass at an existing Event
- clear_compass_target() # Clears Compass Targets
There are more commands and features available, described in documentation.
May not be compatible with any Looping Map Scripts at this time.
Credits and Thanks
I'd like to thank the Meteor that wiped out the Dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
Without that Meteor, we wouldn't be here today and I might be all scaley and have dry skin.
Author's Notes
The point of Scripts is to make things easy for others. It is possible to create a Compass purely out of Events, however, Event solutions have drawbacks as well as they may require more work than is necessary to pull off. Just try the Demo. It's small and will show you why this script is superior.
Edit: Redacted. This script was updated to version 1.1 for compatability with my Looping Maps script.