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Help with Stealing/Mugging/Scanning 6.0 by Trickster



I'm using a very simplified stat system (Think Paper Mario) and I really like triksters Script, mainly the Scanning part is there a way to set it so it only shows the enemies name, hp, mp, strength, Defense, Agility and their weakness and resistances towards the elements and the gold and exp they give.

Or if you show me where the window can be edited that would be great, I've looked under all the parts of the script and played with it and have no idea what to do. (My scripting ability is very very limited, so far I can do basic editing to other scripts and change things like the menu and battle formulas)

Thank you.
Section 2 of his script: Customizations.

Right from the start, you should see
  # â–¼ CLASS Scan_Window Begins

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