Echo Magnum
I'm working on a small sprite, involved in the spoiler are all the gestures/actions and the walk cycle. I am currently having a little trouble with the first action especially, its supposed to be swinging two dual-sabers but it looks like its missing something, maybe its just the speed or the positioning ( should I have made it in a side view pose perhaps ). The rest of the gestures and actions are as listed ( respectively )
>Hippy Dance ( victory 1 )
>Wave ( victory 2 )
I need to more attack moves like:
>Use Item
>Power/special attack
I'm thinking of making the battle real-time that's why I have these actions. The dance moves where just because I was kinda bored lol, they might need a little work but my main focus is on the attacks. I think I should make it with a side view battle perspective but keep it real time. Doing this might need me to re-create the side view sprite ( see the walk cycle ) to accommodate complex animation and moves like slashing, being hit e.t.c. I notice the rm2k3 batllers are almost always slightly bigger than the in-game sprites. However I really want it to be real time like in Tales or Blue Sphere.
Again I'm avoiding color until I get this perfect. anti-alising would help with small movements but I'm a total rookie at this, I've never used it before although I know a lot about its theory ( thanks to the tutorial here as well ).
Could someone help me/advice me with attack moves for a real time battle system. I don't mind if its side view. thanks
>Hippy Dance ( victory 1 )
>Wave ( victory 2 )
I need to more attack moves like:
>Use Item
>Power/special attack
I'm thinking of making the battle real-time that's why I have these actions. The dance moves where just because I was kinda bored lol, they might need a little work but my main focus is on the attacks. I think I should make it with a side view battle perspective but keep it real time. Doing this might need me to re-create the side view sprite ( see the walk cycle ) to accommodate complex animation and moves like slashing, being hit e.t.c. I notice the rm2k3 batllers are almost always slightly bigger than the in-game sprites. However I really want it to be real time like in Tales or Blue Sphere.
Again I'm avoiding color until I get this perfect. anti-alising would help with small movements but I'm a total rookie at this, I've never used it before although I know a lot about its theory ( thanks to the tutorial here as well ).
Could someone help me/advice me with attack moves for a real time battle system. I don't mind if its side view. thanks

>>Walk Cycle<<

>>Walk Cycle<<