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Help with HUD script

I got this HUD script and I want to do 2 things:
1. Delete the EXP bar from the script.
2. Delete the "Item02" from the script.

the script:
# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('My HUD', 'Icedmetal57', "1.0", '8/1/2006')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.state('My HUD') == true

# ** Window_Base
# This class is for all in-game windows.

class Window_Base < Window
#Gradient Bars with customizable lengths, thicknesses, types and Colors
#By AcedentProne
def draw_normal_barz(x, y, type, length, thick, e1, e2, c1 = Color.new(153,238,153,255), c2 = Color.new(0,0,0,255))
if type == "horizontal"
width = length
height = thick
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+2, height + 3, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height + 1, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
w = width * e1 / e2
for i in 0..height
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (height -i)/height + 255 * i/height
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+i, w, 1, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
elsif type == "vertical"
width = thick
height = length
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+3, height + 2, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width+1, height , Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
h = height * e1 / e2
for i in 0..width
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (width -i)/width + 255 * i/width
self.contents.fill_rect(x+i, y, 1, h, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
def draw_actor_barz(actor,x, y, type, length, thick, e1, e2, c1 = Color.new(255,0,0,255), c2 = Color.new(0,0,0,255))
if type == "horizontal"
width = length
height = thick
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+2, height + 3, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height + 1, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
w = width * e1 / e2
for i in 0..height
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (height -i)/height + 255 * i/height
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+i, w, 1, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
elsif type == "vertical"
width = thick
height = length
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+3, height + 2, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width+1, height , Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
h = height * e1 / e2
for i in 0..width
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (width -i)/width + 255 * i/width
self.contents.fill_rect(x+i, y, 1, h, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
# * Draw EXP
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
def draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 24, 32, "Exp")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(x + 10, y, 84, 32, actor.exp_s, 2)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 100, y, 12, 32, "/", 1)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 112, y, 84, 32, actor.next_exp_s)

# Window_Map
# Originally by Destined, edited by Darklord and Icedmetal57
class Window_HUD < Window_Base
def initialize
super(0, 0, 240, 165) #360
$game_party.actors[0].name = Network::Main.name
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.opacity = 0
def refresh
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.font.size = 16
self.contents.draw_text(36, 0, 640, 32, $game_party.actors[0].name.to_s)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
chatc = RPG::Cache.icon("033-Item02")
chat_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, chatc.width, chatc.height)
self.contents.blt(120, 78, chatc, chat_rect) if $game_temp.chat_refresh
draw_normal_barz(36, 27, "horizontal", 150, 10, $game_party.actors[0].hp.to_i, $game_party.actors[0].maxhp.to_i, Color.new (225, 0, 0, 225))
draw_normal_barz(36, 42, "horizontal", 150, 10, $game_party.actors[0].sp.to_i, $game_party.actors[0].maxsp.to_i, Color.new (0,0,255,255))
draw_normal_barz(36, 57, "horizontal", 150, 10, $game_party.actors[0].exp_s.to_i, $game_party.actors[0].next_exp_s.to_i, Color.new (0, 255, 0, 225))
draw_actor_graphic($game_party.actors[0], 15, 63)
draw_actor_level($game_party.actors[0], 128, 0)
draw_actor_hp($game_party.actors[0], 42, 17)
draw_actor_sp($game_party.actors[0], 42, 32)
draw_actor_exp($game_party.actors[0], 42, 47)
# def update
# refresh
# end

# Scene_Map
# Edits the scene Scene_Map
class Scene_Map
def initialize_hud
@hud = Window_HUD.new
@hud.opacity = 0 #the opacity for the window. 0=completely transparent, 255=completely visible
@player_hp = $game_party.actors[0].hp
@player_sp = $game_party.actors[0].sp
@player_exp = $game_party.actors[0].exp
@player_gold = $game_party.gold
@player_sprite = $game_party.actors[0].character_name
alias old_main main
def main
def dispose
alias old_update update
def update
@hud.refresh if @player_hp != $game_party.actors[0].hp or @player_sp != $game_party.actors[0].sp or @player_exp != $game_party.actors[0].exp or @player_gold != $game_party.gold or @player_sprite != $game_party.actors[0].character_name or $game_temp.chat_refresh

# * End SDK Enable Test
Tnx any way.:-/
# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('My HUD', 'Icedmetal57', "1.0", '8/1/2006')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.state('My HUD') == true

#================================================= =============================
# ** Window_Base
# This class is for all in-game windows.
#================================================= =============================

class Window_Base < Window
#Gradient Bars with customizable lengths, thicknesses, types and Colors
#By AcedentProne
def draw_normal_barz(x, y, type, length, thick, e1, e2, c1 = Color.new(153,238,153,255), c2 = Color.new(0,0,0,255))
if type == "horizontal"
width = length
height = thick
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+2, height + 3, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height + 1, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
w = width * e1 / e2
for i in 0..height
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (height -i)/height + 255 * i/height
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+i, w, 1, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
elsif type == "vertical"
width = thick
height = length
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+3, height + 2, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width+1, height , Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
h = height * e1 / e2
for i in 0..width
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (width -i)/width + 255 * i/width
self.contents.fill_rect(x+i, y, 1, h, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
def draw_actor_barz(actor,x, y, type, length, thick, e1, e2, c1 = Color.new(255,0,0,255), c2 = Color.new(0,0,0,255))
if type == "horizontal"
width = length
height = thick
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+2, height + 3, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height + 1, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
w = width * e1 / e2
for i in 0..height
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (height -i)/height + 0 * i/height
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (height -i)/height + 255 * i/height
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+i, w, 1, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
elsif type == "vertical"
width = thick
height = length
self.contents.fill_rect(x-1, y - 1, width+3, height + 2, Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width+1, height , Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
h = height * e1 / e2
for i in 0..width
r = c1.red + (c2.red - c1.red) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
g = c1.green + (c2.green - c1.green) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
b = c1.blue + (c2.blue - c1.blue) * (width -i)/width + 0 * i/width
a = c1.alpha + (c2.alpha - c1.alpha)* (width -i)/width + 255 * i/width
self.contents.fill_rect(x+i, y, 1, h, Color.new(r, g, b, a))

# Window_Map
# Originally by Destined, edited by Darklord and Icedmetal57
class Window_HUD < Window_Base
def initialize
super(0, 0, 240, 165) #360
$game_party.actors[0].name = Network::Main.name
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.opacity = 0
def refresh
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.font.size = 16
self.contents.draw_text(36, 0, 640, 32, $game_party.actors[0].name.to_s)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
draw_normal_barz(36, 27, "horizontal", 150, 10, $game_party.actors[0].hp.to_i, $game_party.actors[0].maxhp.to_i, Color.new (225, 0, 0, 225))
draw_normal_barz(36, 42, "horizontal", 150, 10, $game_party.actors[0].sp.to_i, $game_party.actors[0].maxsp.to_i, Color.new (0,0,255,255))
draw_actor_graphic($game_party.actors[0], 15, 63)
draw_actor_level($game_party.actors[0], 128, 0)
draw_actor_hp($game_party.actors[0], 42, 17)
draw_actor_sp($game_party.actors[0], 42, 32)
# def update
# refresh
# end

# Scene_Map
# Edits the scene Scene_Map
class Scene_Map
def initialize_hud
@hud = Window_HUD.new
@hud.opacity = 0 #the opacity for the window. 0=completely transparent, 255=completely visible
@player_hp = $game_party.actors[0].hp
@player_sp = $game_party.actors[0].sp
@player_gold = $game_party.gold
@player_sprite = $game_party.actors[0].character_name
alias old_main main
def main
def dispose
alias old_update update
def update
@hud.refresh if @player_hp != $game_party.actors[0].hp or @player_sp != $game_party.actors[0].sp or @player_gold != $game_party.gold or @player_sprite != $game_party.actors[0].character_name or $game_temp.chat_refresh

# * End SDK Enable Test

I believe that is what you want. By the way, what is the tag to hide content?
Tnx I will tr it right away!:D
EDIT: It's not working.:( it has problem on the last line: end. please help!

Wh you guys making mee BUMP? :( there is a lot good scripters here.. don't tell me you can't handle such a basic script(!) :(



Swordhunter;153043 said:
Wh you guys making mee BUMP? :( there is a lot good scripters here.. don't tell me you can't handle such a basic script(!) :(

Don't say stuff like that cause it annoys and offends the reader, you should have a calm mannerr and be patient and don't snap.

The problem you mentioned is probably cause you don't have the SDK inplemented or cause the code is missing an end.
Ok I will explain again:

I have a HUD script. I want to remove the EXP bar from there. I want to remove the Icon of "Item02" to. Baskinein gave me a fixed script. BUT(!) the script giving me an error and the error saing there is something wrong on the last line. The last line is "end".
Please help me.

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